Message from @midwestreich
Discord ID: 339383459900555265
Do we even know who the mods are?
Probably kikes
I found this interesting. Something we should keep in mind for the future.
Thas dark
Ive thought a bit about this. The gov's roots are so deep and they have so much info, any sort of rebellion would have one hell of a time
Good stories for our children and grandchildren to grow up hearing.
If we make it that far...
blackpills not welcome
Ya gotta have a few. Makes the white pills taste better
Checking in from Iowa. I've been thinking a lot about what this organization could do and "local crimefighting" strikes me as a possibility if we can get enough density to pair up and stay safe.
What i mean by "local crimefighting" is as simple as monitoring local areas for drug dealers, meth labs, or otherwide illegal activity fucking up life in our areas, and reporting them to police or building a database.
For instance, in my area, there is a meth lab that people are aware of but no one wants to be a snitch. And there is a particularly unsavory cunt who is known to get 13 year old girls drunk and have sex with them (he's 21). Where the organization comes in is a system to protect witnesses or victims, or to centralize intelligence about drug or other crime rings in the Midwest.
Granted, that's just a particular idea for the implementation of the organisation to help increase political power and give back to the community, but it doesn't help for establishing the organisation.
I was doing one of those stupid quizzes on facebook that pop up every now and then, this one is "what is your ww2" job, some of the questions are cucky and some answers dont have variety, then THIS comes up
@midwestreich I love the idea of local crime fighting. Giving back to the community while also being a way to flex our muscles a bit.
Nordic fest in my town this week. ❤
What are some good redpilled books to read? I'm thinking of buying mein kampf on amazon.
Oh do I have a treat for you
Onward Christian soldiers by Donald day is about the interwar USSR and the baltics from the perspective of an American who became apart of third Reich radio broadcasting
@HoosierShitposter currently doing my re read of Mein Kampf. Id recommend it. it honestly has a lot of crossover with today.
At school people always listened to music between classes or while working. I listen to a Mein Kampf audiobook
@HoosierShitposter siege is a good novel to try if you've read mein kampf
(don't know where to do an introduction so I guess this will work) I am a fascist from Kansas City and I'm going to college to become a historian..... That's about all there is to say about me.
@midwestreich with the local crime fighting thing, that would be a great idea. automatically the group will be declared hateful and evil. so being able to show that you want to make genuine improvement in your community will be some good PR.
@HoosierShitposter I really liked reading 1984 by george orwell. the proles (lower class) dont seem to get much attention, but you should definitely pay attention to the sections where they're mentioned.
Id say the only thing with crime stopping would be potential criminal backlash if theres any sort of organization behind them
We'd have to work very closely with local police departments to ensure safety and for efficiency, in my opinion
Or just get armed to the teeth😬
That works too
I just wish people weren't so jewed that we could actually organize community stuff
Get people interested in white values. Although in more rural places you might be able to. The only problem really is reaching out to them
Any of you guys listen to the newest Shoah?
you would have to do more of a neighboorhood watch thing. running out and attempting citizens arrests will get you in a lot of trouble.
If you want to get even WOKER on the JQ, watch this:
If you guys ever need a good laugh check out It's a "socialist rifle association" and it's comedy gold