Message from @Thomas Ryan
Discord ID: 413394739442745376
It was originally an ad advocating for Syrian refugees with the appeal that if you were going through a civil war it would feel bad.
That backfired real bad. I got the exact opposite reaction to not want to let anyone in. lol
/our/ ad now. ☺
> Not wanting a civil war to satisfy Satan's bloodlust.
It's like you don't even want Total Aryan Victory.
Well it was supposed to be very emotional, the main protagonist being a young girl of course, but if you're of the mind that those migrants bring war with them, instead of leaving it behind, then it will have an opposite effect if you swap out the last end screen or two.
@Chris7577TX Please.
I have to ward off the spergs my dude.
I had someone contact me who thought my shitposts were real. Wanted to know more. Gotta root these people out.
Plus, apparently I shitposted so hard that I created AW dogma.
The feds are not our friends
Its legitimately an awful painting.
It needs bananas in the leaves
I swear the original also had a kangs hat
Do you guys know about the artist at all? He hides a painted sperm in all his paintings
not even shitposting
At least I hope Im not shitposting :0 Either way the fact that the artist who paints plays on "kill whitey" is the one to paint the official portrait of a former president is disgusting but unsurprising
There comes a nice, peaceful state of mind when you've almost accepted how awful the current state of things is, and cease to be surprised by each and every wrongdoing.
Leaves you with a single, laser focus on productivity and progress without all the distractions that come with stopping to smell the black pills on every stretch of the road forward.
Just waiting for the "so strong, so brave" comments about Wileys previous work
My goal is to make this nothing more than a blip on our march through time
It truly is insignificant in the big picture. We have bigger things to worry about
@Krieg Mitchell TX I meant the whole decline of civilization thing Thomas posted
Hopefully it will be nothing but a blip towards the true American Imperium
Is it a nigger school?
It's an odd place. Right on the edge of the Everglades. Fairly wealthy area.
It's a very diverse school. Hopefully most of the victims are niggers n' mexicans
Y'all Florida people all right I hope
And hopefully the shooter is not one of our guys
Oh God I hope it's not AWD
So what the hell is going on?