Message from @The_Human_Shoah
Discord ID: 411092401235427328
Keep it chill
@The_Eternal_Frog quick, post the coin merchant
WTF? How did she fall?
Not sure
The nigger snatched her Jordans so fast that it caused her to fall
She was tripped by a rare anomaly where microniggers had actually stolen the friction particles right from under her feet, causing her to fall.
Niggs-hoeson particles
Post of the day
Yay I did it
Enjoy your eggplant goy
That sure is lame. Coloreds be gone.
Thats fucking horseshit. Uppity ass ungrateful pavement apes
I will always at least dislike the halflings
We need to start funding russia to help remove banana
We need to focus on the US nigga, fuck russia they can do it themselves, i seen how they handle pussy riot
And halfling are the worst. No matter what, they will always identify with thier nigger side
Until we start. Then they won't stop talkng about how white they are. That's why we need terabytes of documentation.
Ya. I really wanna get an ancestry reading i just dont know which providers are kosher
Anyone got any plans for activism?
Ted Kazcynski was a damn genius.
And a manlet
Seriously?? How short was he? I always figured him to be a tall lanky dude