Message from @Americana - MD
Discord ID: 338855137630224385
Just because they aren't he source doesn't mean they aren't a problem
Why are you arguing?
I never said they were not
They are an obstacle
We don't need to red pill on the antifa question because we red pill on the JQ lol
Which is a problem
Dude, why is this going over your head? I just said nobody redpills on an "antifa question"
They're the orcs or men of the East to the Jews' Mordor and Sauron
Fighting them physically is mostly a waste of our time and can actually be used against us
We are out there to imbue meaning into White cultural destruction an awaken our brothers to the reality of what is happening
There will be 2 semi-normie rightwingers out there for every one of us
This is an opportunity to redpill a LOT of our brothers who can, in turn, redpill others
I mean it's not over my head but alright dude not that big of a deal
You do you fam...
Alright it was just your response to the antifa question thing lol
I was just making that up as a point
Antifa have no goal, no philosophy to speak of
Go red pill people, I'll stick to fighting the commies
Their philosophy is "Nazis are bad derp"
Antifa are literally militant commies bro. Look at their roots.. look at the history of left wing terror and extremism
I'm cool with fighting commies but we have to contend with the capitalists too, you know?
Yeah but when was the last time you met a commie that legitimately understood the goals of communism? They're just dumbasses
Anyway, we have a culture war to win first and foremost because we need more people to awaken to this ZOG reality
We need more soldiers
Just please don't get killed brother
You have your methods and I have mine...
Very well brother
I agree we need many strategies
Just don't waste your blood on a stupid "commie" that only ever watched CNN and read huffpost
Attack on all fronts
Yeah it's not like controlling the streets is important to the culture war anyway.
👌🏻^^ see you fuckers on the streets...
Yup and that is coming from the master of propaganda who knew you had to reach enough of us to get enough on the street to conquer it. It's good to be eager but too eager too early is foolhardy. We need to be able to sustain control and think strategically to run them.
One good start is mass converting White police.
That would be a very good thing... anyway, no point talking here but it would be nice to figure out how to target and redpill cops.
Are you kidding? Too eager too earlier. Like a failed beer hall putsch which, yes lost some people, but galvanized their movement
Never capitulate...
@Tyrone thank you for posting the exact quote I was looking for