Message from @I'm Not Sam Hyde
Discord ID: 338903268887494658
Deal? Lol
Antifa are literally militant commies bro. Look at their roots.. look at the history of left wing terror and extremism
I'm cool with fighting commies but we have to contend with the capitalists too, you know?
Yeah but when was the last time you met a commie that legitimately understood the goals of communism? They're just dumbasses
Anyway, we have a culture war to win first and foremost because we need more people to awaken to this ZOG reality
We need more soldiers
Just please don't get killed brother
You have your methods and I have mine...
Very well brother
I agree we need many strategies
Just don't waste your blood on a stupid "commie" that only ever watched CNN and read huffpost
Attack on all fronts
Yeah it's not like controlling the streets is important to the culture war anyway.
👌🏻^^ see you fuckers on the streets...
Yup and that is coming from the master of propaganda who knew you had to reach enough of us to get enough on the street to conquer it. It's good to be eager but too eager too early is foolhardy. We need to be able to sustain control and think strategically to run them.
One good start is mass converting White police.
That would be a very good thing... anyway, no point talking here but it would be nice to figure out how to target and redpill cops.
Are you kidding? Too eager too earlier. Like a failed beer hall putsch which, yes lost some people, but galvanized their movement
Never capitulate...
Well true but that was Germany at a different time with different media, to be honest the whole of WWI and WWII is enough to galvanize us.
We are galvanized already, we simply need to draw our natural allies out into the open.
16 million Prussians
Okay if it was at a different time in a different place then you can't say that you trust goebbels judgement on it lol
You can't flip flop that shit
He said control the streets
Conquer them
That's pretty universal
But it was germany at a different time...
Pick one
Is it relevant or not?
Both are true
It is not flipflopping
Even Goebbels was despondent at one point
It took one voice to change his world
And he became a powerful and influential entity...