Message from @Orwell

Discord ID: 542775589644402724

2019-02-06 14:07:25 UTC  

@Bee I think that's fake, that screenshot

2019-02-06 14:24:10 UTC  

So like

2019-02-06 14:24:16 UTC  

If you think about it

2019-02-06 14:24:44 UTC  

YAWH didn't allow Mary to consent before she got got

2019-02-06 14:24:47 UTC  


2019-02-06 14:26:10 UTC  

"Breaking news: Lord Jesus Christ forced to delete Bible and apologize after sexual assault allegations apear from over 2000 years ago. More at 11.

2019-02-06 14:26:18 UTC  


2019-02-06 14:26:25 UTC  

Fitting name

2019-02-06 15:51:16 UTC  

i feel bad for dr duke

2019-02-06 15:51:23 UTC  

he believed in trump

2019-02-06 15:51:47 UTC  

but then he turned out to be just another israel loving pseudojew

2019-02-06 16:09:55 UTC  

what dissapointmentium

2019-02-06 16:18:14 UTC

2019-02-06 17:51:14 UTC  

@The Big Oof “muh juice” is also not an argument. I actually need an argument to respond to before I can advance a counter argument. Asserting that income disparities are due to racial differences would require a demonstration of the mechanism by which that exerts itself and I’m yet to see that demonstrated.

I would proffer that to the contrary, income disparities here are a result of a culture of excellence and scholasticism. Jewish traditions emphasise learning as a fundamental expression of faith, as shown in bar mitzvah’s often requiring intense study of Hebrew and scripture in order to properly fulfil the ceremonial requirements. Additionally, the jewish belief that salvation is based on works inculcates a strong work ethic analogous to Weber’s description of the Protestant work ethic. The teachings these traditions seek to impose are highly transferable to the modern workplace and so makes jewish employees highly desirable and jewish entrepreneurs highly effective.

Rather than decrying this, the key aspects of these traditions can be learned from and applied without any requirement to actually become jewish. Those seeking to emulate their success then should seek to emulate their means, rather than simply giving up and chocking it up to ultimately useless speculation such as unchanging , innate qualities.

2019-02-06 18:05:48 UTC  

So apparently it is illegal to boycott israeli companies in america

2019-02-06 18:09:01 UTC  

Not as far as im aware of, there is a law requiring government contractors certify they are not currently engaged in boycotts of israel before a tender is accepted in Texas

2019-02-06 18:09:27 UTC  

But nowhere am I aware of it being illegal to boycott israel

2019-02-06 18:21:16 UTC  

@CronoSaturn You ask and I provide! 1. Large proportions of IQ are heritable. 2. IQ is correlated with wealth 3. Jews earn above average even in Protestant America.

2019-02-06 18:36:24 UTC  

theyre really good at making the west hate one of the biggest anti israel groups in the world, which are the muslims

2019-02-06 18:37:17 UTC  

the based muslims

2019-02-06 18:37:28 UTC  

overrepresented in rape stats like a pro

2019-02-06 18:37:34 UTC  


2019-02-06 18:42:57 UTC  

izlum not librul dey bad

2019-02-06 18:43:07 UTC  

brought to you by sargon

2019-02-06 18:45:28 UTC  

@Aki large portions of IQ are heritable but there is no mechanism which restricts those traits to a single race, enforces its retention within that race or prevents its propagation where intermarriage is significant. Ashkenazi jews, the most successful subgroup, have shown that significant intermarriage.

That IQ is correlated with wealth is not a proof that all wealth is a display of IQ disparities alone. Unless we’ve somehow come to the conclusion that Paris hilton is a closet genius.

That jews earn above some Protestants does not dismiss that work ethic is a primary factor as jewish tradition is more demanding than many Protestant traditions and most Protestant traditions have relaxed the doctrine of works of the elect, thus relaxing the cultural benefits that work ethic attained at the time of Weber’s writing.

2019-02-06 18:48:48 UTC  

Thoughts on the State of the Union speech?

2019-02-06 19:36:04 UTC  

"large portions of IQ are heritable but there is no mechanism which restricts those traits to a single race, enforces its retention within that race or prevents its propagation where intermarriage is significant. Ashkenazi jews, the most successful subgroup, have shown that significant intermarriage."

Sure.. though it is irrelevant to your original point~

"That IQ is correlated with wealth is not a proof that all wealth is a display of IQ disparities alone. Unless we’ve somehow come to the conclusion that Paris hilton is a closet genius."

Oh yeah, sure... IQ disparity between jews and non jews is not a sufficient explanation of the income disparity.

"That jews earn above some Protestants does not dismiss that work ethic is a primary factor as jewish tradition is more demanding than many Protestant traditions and most Protestant traditions have relaxed the doctrine of works of the elect, thus relaxing the cultural benefits that work ethic attained at the time of Weber’s writing."

Actually... no. The % of Jewish pop that is religious is the same as the % of general American pop that is religious. However, when we look at the stats regarding the importance of religion (Frequency of prayer, Attendance at religious services, Importance of religion in one's life) you will notice that Jewish religiousity is weaker. Also the connection between protestant work ethic and wealth was always very weak sauce so... there is no reason to believe that it would be different with the Jews.

So Crono... if work ethic is a bogus theory, then what is this other magical factor that explains the unaccounted disproportion in income?

2019-02-06 19:45:55 UTC  

Jews gay

2019-02-06 20:14:20 UTC  


2019-02-06 20:19:36 UTC  


2019-02-06 20:28:49 UTC  

Jews smart and cool

2019-02-06 20:29:07 UTC  

ur pink

2019-02-06 20:29:10 UTC  

and saints

2019-02-06 20:29:11 UTC  

thats a gay color

2019-02-06 20:29:28 UTC  

and pro-LGBTQP

2019-02-06 20:30:07 UTC  

gay color

2019-02-06 20:30:10 UTC  

for a gay boii

2019-02-06 20:30:11 UTC  

db whak