Message from @wyatt
Discord ID: 338373358699806732
i know lesbians IRL that just switch back and forth between liking women and men every 2 years
this one?
its definitely a choice
or is there a newer one with speakers
I've seen it. I just can't find it.
hahaha blacks on twitter talking about "respecting women" on a rappers timeline
I saw that.
Just because the monkeys can use our language, doesn't mean they understand what they are saying
>respecting anything
such a great song
listen if you have't kthx
first hits for free yo
check out my mixtape yo..its free yo
Is that it?
Obviously... he said yay didn't he? Jfc
@Athena Marie just be better
hahah is that the elvis one people were talking about
Don't dox @Fashy Frog !!
Oh shid
What a way to kill the last few hours. I love when Talib actually responds to me and gets black twitter angry
One day I wonder if I'll grow out of throwing grenades into internet threads and watching...I doubt it though
Wait... you're saying I don't need to go downtown to Baltimore and throw gre... nvm
@Americana - MD come join racist twitter and you won't be so salty irl. You'll be able to insult all the nogs you want!!
Nah I am still terrible in public as well...
@Athena Marie it's too late for me fam