Message from @James_Coney - LA
Discord ID: 329691715701047299
"in hoc Signo Vinces" by GLR
Yes sir!
Every AltRight guy should read his books and that article by him
It is required reading
I got "white power" on my bookshelf right now. Been a few years since I read it
I have all of his works on my phone and laptop. I even listen to the robot voice audio books. I have white power in paperback but I'm going to upgrade to hardcover along with "this time the world"
@Eli Mosley @MadDimension can we get a role for anticom?
I was in the Anticom server for a while. It ain't too bad
@Nicklis - OH
I haven't finished "this time the world" but it is essential reading
It's equal to white power in many ways. It's more emotional and personal.
The guy that was audio recording this time the world quit so they could work on culture of critique which is way overrated
"In those days I took up the standpoint that it was immaterial whether they laughed at us or reviled us, whether they depicted us as fools or criminals; the important point was that they took notice of us and that in the eyes of the working-classes we came to be regarded as the only force capable of putting up a fight. I said to myself that the followers of the Jewish Press would come to know all about us and our real aims. " Mein Kampf
I tell people all the time to read "From ivory tower to privy wall: on the art of propaganda" by GLR, to explain how we need different taste and tiers of optics to bring in the masses.
@Charlemagne MD I thought you vanguard guys were supposed to be NS
If we just throw a single communist out of a helicopter I'm sure we'd get a lot of respect
All* of the commies
@Skull hey I remember you. We're having a large revision of anticom soon to gear the group more towards activism. Here's an invite if anyone wants to join.
I'm in
@Skull were officially fascist but many are natsoc
The former head of fascism in rome was called the grand rabbi of rome
Fascism isn't racist
Or anti-Semitic
Again, the differences are superficial
They're still the underlining fascist philosophy of following the cosmic order and Natural Law
Well I guess you could just generalize it as "United we stand"
As George Lincoln Rockwell himself said National Socialism is application of the absolute truth to inanimate objects and man himself.
How many members does vanguard America have
"I realized that this new and wonderful doctrine of scientific truth applied ruthlessly to man himself, as well as to Nature and inanimate matter, and that it was the only thing which could save man from his own degradation in luxury, self-seeking short-sightedness and racial degeneration.”
“You either believe in the scientific method and the truth, and you apply it to yourself without egotism, otherwise you don’t believe in the scientific method and you’re kidding yourself.”
“Anyone so conceited and foolish as to be determined to flaunt Nature’s Lawsmay do so but only for a limited period of time. He cannot go on doing so indefinitely.”
“National Socialism is nothing more or less than NATURAL ORDER.”
“National Socialism, as a PHILOSOPHY, embodies the eternal urge found in all living things – indeed in all creation – toward a higher level of existence – toward perfection – toward God.“
-George Lincoln Rockwell
“Whatever People’s perception of God, or Gods, or the motive Force of the Universe might be, they can hardly deny that Nature’s Law are the work of, and therefore the intent of, that Force.”
“Nature evidences the divine plan, for the natural world is the work of the force or the intelligence men call God.”
-David Lane
Vanguard America is an American Fascist originization. But many are National Socialist like myself. And well over 200 members
There is a place for shilling and advertisement b lucas
Anyone from Indiana or ohio Think I might be riding with trsers some
Some trsers
Trying to get like 50 guys to get a bus
<#321433134392672256> @b-luccason
The NSDAP must not be a follower of public opinion, but must become the master of public opinion. It must not be the masses’ servant, but their lord.
-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, V2, Ch
You could just have an actual lord, instead of a political party