Message from @yeah dude
Discord ID: 346140983722901504
Not saying I don't believe you, but it's fishy
I know just as much as anyone else
Nah i'm with you guys, they def look extremely similar. Will keep you all posted
And im in boston so
hate to say it, but i think this is our guy
fuckin a....
There are currently two conflicting narratives being put forward here:
1. Nobodies ever seen him, we don't know him, he infiltrated
2. The guy in the picture is not our guy, and our guy is asleep in a hotel
What evidence do we have either way?
The (((Government))) is going to want to devote recources into investigating VA. I'd be willing to put money on it
Right. And who are the guys standing next to him in the pic? Do they know him?
Are they sleeping too?
the (((Media))) will demand it
Well let them
@Sammy Diamond nobody is asleeo, i just thought they were because they werent replying for a good while
They won't get anything out of it except information on chad nationalism
lol we will redpill the FBI
But idk if thats true
Who said he had a twin who was accounted for? How'd that narrative die?
the dudes mom said he went to an alt right rally
I said everyone was accounted for
I heard his mom was Jewish
Is that verifiable?
Facebook i think
That would certainly lend credence to the false flag/infiltrator theory
no, but that is some weird shit if she sent her son to jail likely for life just cause she wanted to false flag us
Stories chabge as
As we learn more
I posted the image that is floating around
then i found this article
That's more than just similar, they look identical down to their 5 o'clock shadow
which goes into more detail
We went from @Andrew-- confirming "VA has a guy who looks similar" to "idk never heard of him. TWP maybe?"
might be bullshit, the more and more shit comes out, the worse it looks