Message from @Nicklis - OH
Discord ID: 324380969224110090
Look, just as Corey Stewart said in a video today, rally behind the Virginians. If we win Virginia we will have a ripple effect across the country. Why do you think Commander George Lincoln Rockwell was running for governor here?
@TiborSzalasi-MI I have not been in one fight. I used to spar with a friend whomst fought mma
Future MMA
He's future military mma
sparring isnt a fight bro
That hasn't even been invented yet it's so badass
Well duh
Strasser, buddy. You've got to stop.
I don't fight but time I shook an MMA fighter's hand
your friend wasnt looking to take your head off
Good enough
I'm having fun here
@Hand Banana no shit though, I you did some cardio and some light weight training you could be jacked
He's gonna be gassed after like 5 minutes
I like you, Strasser.
I dont
I think he's all talk
I'm still going to bet on you.
I'll take your money wade
I'd put my money on @Hand Banana
Bro I'm happy to fight. If I win, cool. If I lose, thay sucks bit it's all fun amongst brothers
@Americana - MD I lift twice a week, do cardio/calisthenics 3 days a week, and take Judo classes
At the end of the day I'll have his back and I'm confident he'll l have mine
you call your brothers kike shills?
It's all bantz
Good point @AltRightVa
All of you are kike shills to me.
Gets called out
"Hey come on brothers"
Im a kang shill
Hey he's the one that said he wanted to fight
oy vey
I'm a future pharoh mutha fuka
this is emberassing