Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 620495400683438090
It was arranging that before (((Firestone))) dabbed on it
Also, I don't think Garvey wanted *all* Blacks move to Africa
Just an elite section to help uplift their brethren there
This was also happening with Ethiopia before Italy's invasion @Deleted User
"Sure mate"
- Traveler
Well done @Østén Mádéru, you just advanced to level 3!
“Races, like families, are the organisms and the ordinance of God and race feeling like family feeling is of Divine Origin.” -- Alexander Crummell
(Ik it’s a meme but the quote is real)
I don't get it
It's not related at all
Is that the funny part?
It is related to the tags above the quote, the fucked up shit that the modern world brings.
Ah I see
@Scripted Python why keep posting that?
Its a good quote
Another Stalin quote: "the only true power in the world comes from the barrel of a long rifle"
Wasn't that a quote from Mao
Pretty sure it was Stalin, but maybe.
It says Stalin in HOI loading screen
Mao said it but it was "from a barrel of a gun" not "a barrel from a long rifle".
@Deleted User the goebbels quote you posted with the nhentai tags
i searched them just to see if they were really real