Message from @Charlemagne MD
Discord ID: 346003168209141760
One thing is clear. The police failed to do their duty.
They're saying that car crash was intentional
it pretty clearly was
Heard it was a black person anyone else confirm?
Only thing i've heard on the MSM is CNN saying its a male
and they have been arrested
Fuck . Really hope it's not one of our guys. I really would be surprised if it was
yea same
never know though. there are a lot of crazies that are in our movement unfortunatly.
I don't understand, the video showed a colored lady
They say it was one of our guys
David something
No fuckin way
He can't keep getting away with it!
David sheratt
Stop meeming
Gallows humor bro
Word on the ground here is that it was a black bitch
They would've released identity immediately had it been otherwise
Good point
Our guys were top notch and this event was clearly WON by users
That's what I saw
It was sum black bitch looking at her phone
It's fair to say it was a shit show on both sides today. The only victor today was the powers at be
(((Powers at be)))
It was a pyrric victory for them
@Charlemagne MD we made our point, thousands of us gathered and fought
If cops kept them under control, the car thing wouldn't have happened, COPS fault, jew mayer fault, et,
no they are going to look fucking ridiculous for the shit they pulled. The commie blood is on (((their))) hands
Consider: We haven't dominated news like this since Hillary Clinton did a speech about us.
Back then basic bitch cuck Republicans didn't believe we actually existed.
Well. No one is claiming that now, are they?