Message from @Daniel - KY
Discord ID: 346002319944450088
Wheatfield dwellers keep your opinions to yourself
Just relax
We'll sort it out later
Barricades were between group, we had to moveit to gtfo
I was right there. No one was trying to get out. They were trying to get in.
Theytoldus to disperse, theypointed us into the antifa, no.
So who won
CNN is reporting the driver was arrested and was a male
@everyone what's going on with altright va?
Daniel I think we are talking about two different pings an fine
Pints and time
I can't type.
@Salad Snake - CA we are possibly mobilizing a dozen people as well. We need to figure out if he's okay
Scope out Lee park these guys need help
Dont be stupid
Get shields and charge in lol
Final stand meme
They're saying that car crash was intentional
it pretty clearly was
Heard it was a black person anyone else confirm?
Only thing i've heard on the MSM is CNN saying its a male
and they have been arrested
Fuck . Really hope it's not one of our guys. I really would be surprised if it was
yea same
never know though. there are a lot of crazies that are in our movement unfortunatly.
I don't understand, the video showed a colored lady
They say it was one of our guys
David something
No fuckin way
He can't keep getting away with it!
David sheratt
Stop meeming
This is fucking serious shit