Message from @Mankn II
Discord ID: 631951069429235773
Ulster Irish ARE NOT Irish, they're Scots mostly
They are Anglos and Scot sent by the UK government to replace the native Irish
Yeah from like the 1600s mate
more like from the 1800s
Ireland for the Irish, btfo the fuckers sent over there to replace them
sent with the goal of replacing the Irish
>doesn't even know when Ulster Plantations began
Make bloody sunday look like a walk in the park
You know I think there wouldn't have been a huge ass civil war if the irish didn't have legit claims on *ireland*
they stole lands from Irish farmers and sold them to protestant Anglos
they are invaders plain and simple
Basic historical knowledge
If you disagree Seamus will visit you
This is the same logic that libtards use to say the American southwest belongs to Mexico or the entire US belongs to Indians just because 'they were there first"
land doesn't belong to people who are fucking dead
and guess what the Injuns are
fuckin dead
Irish aren't dead
So basically you're saying the only mistake of the English was not to exterminate the Irish?
ever heard of Free Derry ?
Other way around
Ulster Irish have been there for centuries
Longer than whites have been in the US in some cases
Irish are also a minority
Ulster Irish are a majority
There is a reason they remained a part of the UK in the first place
And it was because they were more strongly opposed to Irish independence than anyone else
Israel is majority jewish
that doesnt mean it doesnt belong to the Arabs
A bit different considering that the Jews did not fight for the land themselves but had the UK, US, and UN do it for them in the first place.
Well done @The State, you just advanced to level 3!
Guys idk how to answer on the human experimentation poll
Transgenders are not creatures
But we should be allowed to experiment on them
So should I answer with yes or no?
@anthr0pos help