Message from @yThos

Discord ID: 642766757290835968

2019-11-09 15:27:09 UTC  

Maxim Gorky is whom you are thinking of

2019-11-09 15:29:31 UTC  

I see what you mean.

2019-11-09 15:35:16 UTC  

Also, the phrase used by Trotsky is "eternal revolution" not "perpetual revolution"

2019-11-09 16:00:06 UTC  

Tbh I wasn't even thinking about Trotskyite theory, this is just an observation of their nature

2019-11-09 16:03:56 UTC  

Though I would say that the modern leftist, even if they proclaim love of Stalin, is much more similar to Trotsky than to Stalin given how Stalin would have had some qualities they'd consider "reactionary", unlike Trotsky, or at the very least Trotsky had them to a lesser degree. Nonetheless, they likely "prefer" Stalin for the sole fact that he won out in the competition for power after the death of Lenin, and then they believe, or at least claim to believe, what Stalin said about Trotsky secretly working with "fascists" to tear down Stalin as a cope.

2019-11-09 16:12:28 UTC  


2019-11-09 16:12:34 UTC  


2019-11-09 16:13:30 UTC  


2019-11-09 16:20:22 UTC  


2019-11-09 16:20:44 UTC  

Stalin is just better material for memes. Leftists tend to actually agree more with Trotsky, being the basis of antifascist theory and all.

2019-11-09 16:20:44 UTC  

Well done @HadrianEtAntinous, you just advanced to level 9!

2019-11-09 16:21:45 UTC  

forgive me brother for i have busted

2019-11-09 16:23:23 UTC  


2019-11-09 16:24:02 UTC  

I will not be a coomer

2019-11-09 16:24:07 UTC  

I will try again tomorrow

2019-11-09 16:28:01 UTC  

Honestly, I disagree with the notion that there's no end in sight with the left's progressivism. I think with Foucault's invitation for us to always think about who is asking the questions and who is allowed into the discourse and his post structuralist critique of the basis of everything we have seen the peak of how far the left can go. You can't condemn more than the set of all things; there literally is no way to critique more stuff than everything. And as such, in recent years, you can see a backlash and a subversion to the eternal revolution. Most of the recent increasing degradation of culture has just been application of that theory, and seeing how that theory is losing popularity among academics, the left at large should similarly go back to normal. @The State

2019-11-09 16:29:01 UTC  

You can't go much further than criticizing truth itself for being too hierarchical.

2019-11-09 16:39:59 UTC  

@HadrianEtAntinous I do not really see much of a backlash among leftist circles to the eternal revolution. Maybe you could consider TERFs as a backlash to the eternal revolution, but I would argue they are just another branch of it, for their reasoning is entirely based in leftist thought (transgenders are men trying to oppress women in their own spaces and what not). Not to mention how they have had contradictory ideals for a very long time now and they've had enough cognitive dissonance to deal with it until now, I don't see why they won't stop. The eternal revolution is a natural extension of leftist thinking.

2019-11-09 16:40:16 UTC  

There must always be a social oppression to fight for them, not matter what.

2019-11-09 16:45:36 UTC  

i want a TLDR of this convo

2019-11-09 16:45:58 UTC  

n werd

2019-11-09 16:49:54 UTC  

Yeah, I agree they're always going to fight for something, even if that something changes or their paradigm on how changes, because if they didn't struggle they wouldn't be the left. But those changes should not be underestimated.

Indeed, I would say that with the proper adjustments, it's almost Nietzschen, almost fascistic in the continual pursuit of improvement regardless of how things are; that Evolan riding of the tiger. In fact, I find it interesting the similarities between this description of the left and various critiques I have heard of fascism; the claims that when we get power we end up running in circles continually purifying ourselves and that we're fundamentally unstable when in charge. Perhaps we share that innate ideological righteousness with left.

2019-11-09 16:51:55 UTC  

@yThos We're arguing about how based leftist theory is or can be.

2019-11-09 16:53:16 UTC  


2019-11-09 16:54:00 UTC  

Free him

2019-11-09 16:54:02 UTC  

He did nothing wrong

2019-11-09 16:55:12 UTC  

Nonetheless if we proclaim to desire to achieve X, we will not turn around and say X is now a reactionary relic, and then move on to achieve Y, and then turn around and proclaim that a reactionary relic, and the move on to achieve Z. We proclaim our ideals, and really the only things that change is how radical they need to be or how radically we need to act based off of our surroundings and the problems of the present, but we do not strive for perpetual revolutionary conflict against ourselves for the sake of having eternal progress.

2019-11-09 16:55:20 UTC  

Bruh gordon ramsay on drugs @OrthoNinten

2019-11-09 17:00:41 UTC  

Perhaps perhaps. We certainly wouldn't disregard our past, but I like to think we wouldn't grow complacent. We are not the left, but nor are we the right. I like to think each of us would like the next generation be more based than the last, regardless of if that's unrealistic. We just wouldn't put ourselves in continual revolutionary conflict to do so.

2019-11-09 17:02:38 UTC  

I mean I guess we would kind of get into a Catch 22 if we achieve total success. We would have to avoid conflict for the sake of conflict because that is stupid, and is fundamentally what is driving the left to what it has become, but we also cannot reject all conflict for that is how people grow complacent and decadent, but if we achieved total victory, there would be no need for conflict...

2019-11-09 17:02:43 UTC  

So I see what you mean I guess

2019-11-09 17:04:19 UTC  

That Catch 22 about our total victory is like one or two things I actually would agree with when it comes to critiques of us.

2019-11-09 17:06:53 UTC  

Maybe that should be a poll. Considering conflict is how we grow, what do we do if we win? The classical answer is that we let ourselves promptly fail so the cycle can continue, but that seems rather rarted.

2019-11-09 17:07:15 UTC  


2019-11-09 17:07:39 UTC  

Yeah honestly I have no idea what the solution would be

2019-11-09 17:10:17 UTC  

I guess one way to look at it is if total victory is achieved when we'd finally grow decadent again, it would be nowhere near as bad as what decadence has been experienced historically and a recover would also be easier given the conditions we'd create.

2019-11-09 17:10:32 UTC  

Nietzsche outright rejected goal based thinking in favor of amore fati for issues like this.

2019-11-09 17:11:48 UTC  

@The State Would it though? People like Evola would say we started in that near perfect state, yet over the centuries we still managed to reach the decadence we have now.

2019-11-09 17:12:50 UTC  

However he was not incorrect for centuries past we had reactionary systems that while certainly better than modern liberalism were far from perfect.