Message from @PrimitveXaoc
Discord ID: 327292793380798465
I mean my name is the same. Maybe I suck at opsec
I made (spotted) you last week. ✋
I still wonder if someone is LARPing with your pic each time though.
I think abandoning obvious NSDAP imagery is tactically beneficial
I'd rather slip NSDAP policy in with patriotard imagery and the normies are none the wiser
I think embracing a diversity of tactics is the best maneuver.
IE can have one set of optics for their events.
The NSM has other priorities
Most sane libertarians and other white goys who could potentially be /our guys/ will turn and run from anything that smells like the Nazi party
I think the IE approach is pretty solid as far as bringing in new talent
Most sane people would turn and run from a batshit crazy guy attacking Congressmen
As much as I fucking love Azzmador, not many normies are going to be swayed by an angry old bearded guy screaming at kikes that he's going to kick them into an oven 😂
That's pretty true too
They left reluctantly verbally backed up at the top
And seconds later started the same rhetorical dog whistling that causes it.
Loretta Lynch called for glorious martyrs the way Salafists do.
Everyone from Aryan Nation clover tatted felons or recovering degenerates to Proud Boys has a place. They are tools in the tool box.
Not every tool works the same or is perfect for every situation at all times, but with enough different tools, used correctly you can build a house, or carve a masterpiece from marble.
For example; in a world where there's Klansmen and marching with Swastikas, the Proud Boys are family friendly Overton window shifted.
It's great, a whole new world of exposure and not the first negative comment... yet.
Too bad bots can't pick up on what they're really doing....
Keep in mind that this event won't just be Alt-Right and Alt-Light. The Left is so intolerable in Charlottesville that they will be driving out normie Republicans and Confederate supporters who will be hearing Richard Spencer and the others speak for the first time.
This is a major teachable moment for those interested in making new converts to white identity politics at this event.
I'm going to hit the Republican radio shows hard in the leading weeks to try to make the normie conservative feel like they're missing a major historical moment if they don't turn up
Just tell them their free speech and guns will be taken from them if they don't show up. That usually gets them out of their entitled consumerist mindset for long enough to be a body in the crowd.
amren my borthers
>Proud Boys are family friendly
>logo is literally a *[Milo accent]* black cock
Imajuhn moy shok
Here is a passage by Adolf Hitler that BTFO any PRfaggotry
"In those days I took up the standpoint that it was immaterial whether they laughed at us or reviled us, whether they depicted us as fools or criminals; the important point was that they took notice of us and that in the eyes of the working-classes we came to be regarded as the only force capable of putting up a fight. I said to myself that the followers of the Jewish Press would come to know all about us and our real aims. " Mein Kampf
"when they say "no" to our Swastika and National Socialism, they are only the eternal female saying "no" but meaning, "If you accept my no, then you are a weakling and have no right to my favors. Let us see if you have the manhood and the strength to MAKE me say yes!"
They hate us now because we are weak and powerless. All the reason in the world will never make them love us or our ideas in ANY guise, no matter how we try to sugar-coat them, until we COMMAND THEIR RESPECT AND ADMIRATION FOR OUR WILL, our guts, our force! As stupid as they are, their instincts in smelling force and strength are still pure, and the attempt to SNEAK National Socialist ideas in the guise of "patriot leagues" and other nice, safe groups very properly repulses them as being the actions of cowards and sneaks."
"tHELL with the sneaky, safer approaches! They get us persecuted every bit as much as the direct, open approach, and they doom us to miserable, sneaking failure every time. If we are to be the last of the White men who conquered the world; if we are finally to be overwhelmed by a pack of rats, let us at least face the death of our race as our ancestors faced their death---like MEN. Let us not crawl down amongst the rats begging for mercy or trying to out-sneak them and pretend to be rats ourselves!
Let us stand on the scaffold of history---if hang we must---like the martyrs of Nuremberg, tall and proud! Is life so sweet, is comfort so precious and a job in a Jewish counting house so sacred that we are AFRAID to grasp the mighty hand of ADOLF HITLER reaching down to us our of our glorious past? Again, to HELL with sneaking and safety!
It is part of the Jews to be sneaky and sly. The genius of our people has ever been joyous strength, robust forcefulness, directness, manly courage, and flaming heroism. When the Jews, with their economic terrorism, jails, bullies and hangmen, scare the White man into laying down his cudgel and goad him into trying to out-sneak Jewish tyranny, the Jews have completely emasculated the once-strong White man, and doomed him to dishonor and defeat. The White man can NEVER win by sneaking!"
George Lincoln Rockwell
In hoc Signo Vinces
View your movement like a man views courting a woman. You can't steal her away by sneaking around, placating weaker usurpers, or begging her that you're totally a better boyfriend than her last one. You need to be a courageous, tough, and forceful movement ready to win her heart away.
@Skull I feel you but we're not doing swasticas at this rally
Or roman salutes