Message from @wyatt
Discord ID: 342005747368067083
They're close
Both have the worst natural mud BO for sure
nigger didn't learn to not suck his thumb
The Bowl is strong in here.
Sup @Vic_Mackey
a bowlocaust
The Bowls are back in town
Not trying to be a little counter-signalling bitch, but idk how this helps us fam.
Like, it's one thing on discord, but on Facebook? Leftists are gonna find this shit and use it against us.
Yea pretty retarded
looks like we had another patriot group drop out. check the facebook group
As if we need cucks
its a troll i wrote go read it
Need an account to see it
Haha @wyatt are you watterman?
It is not your right to change the values of the alt-right <@323220344397758466>
>checks discord for the first time in forever
>nutty lesbo wall text
>Not a white nationalist
There's a group of antifa going and they would love to have you
Choosing to be a dyke is a selfish choice when our people are literally dying. There is no situation where you will convince us otherwise. I don't recommend you get hostile with the men here either. <@323220344397758466>
Theres a place to have this discussion that isn't the general channel of a discord full of autists.
Wheatfield dweller? More like mental illness dweller amirite
Because no one cares?
I honestly don't care about you enough. I've never heard of you. I expect you should get banned for being an attention seeking trouble maker though.
<@323220344397758466> what is going on? @Athena Marie
she is a lesbo and getting bullied by heimbach or somethi9ng
how is that hypocritical 🤔
is heimbach also a dyke
Look, I'm not even attacking you. This just isn't the place for advertising dykism. That's all.
<@323220344397758466> this might help, its helped me