Message from @Eccles

Discord ID: 639154854912196608

2019-10-30 17:28:29 UTC  

Doing so reduces the standard of living for everyone else, for what? For benefit to a handful of greedy business owners

2019-10-30 17:28:30 UTC  

If they keep working there the wages will stay stagnant, If they don't then the wages will eventually increase which would lead to the average person fulfilling these jobs

2019-10-30 17:28:55 UTC  

We shouldn't really allow migrants in just so they can become a serf class to do all the low paying jobs

2019-10-30 17:29:06 UTC  

How does allowing an immigrant a job as a cleaner lower the standard of living for everyone else? @Eccles

2019-10-30 17:29:28 UTC  

Because you are keeping wages down and increasing contention for other limited resources

2019-10-30 17:29:51 UTC  

Compared to those jobs not being fulfiled you mean?

2019-10-30 17:29:54 UTC  

Contention for other limited resources puts the cost of those resources up

2019-10-30 17:30:09 UTC  

It's those business owners choice not to fulfil those jobs

2019-10-30 17:30:31 UTC  

Cleaners being paid less

2019-10-30 17:30:33 UTC  

Also, given the unemployment rate is 3.9% in the UK, that's a decent chunk of people that could do those jobs, they just don't. Is that a problem with the people, or the jobs themselves? It's irrelevant because adding cheap labour to the mix just makes the job market more complicated for people born in the country to get something they're qualified for, so why bother?

2019-10-30 17:30:36 UTC  

Affects other cleaners

2019-10-30 17:30:43 UTC  

Not the entire jobs market

2019-10-30 17:30:47 UTC  

Not true, PeP

2019-10-30 17:30:56 UTC  

Academic Agent has some primers on this

2019-10-30 17:31:02 UTC  

Suggest you go check his channel

2019-10-30 17:31:13 UTC  

You can link me specific videos

2019-10-30 17:31:58 UTC  

If there was unlimited land, and there were unlimited government services, and there was no welfare, then you could import as many serfs as you like and the benefits you describe could be realised

2019-10-30 17:32:12 UTC  

But we live in the real world which places constraints upon this

2019-10-30 17:32:51 UTC  

If your government prints infinite money, it means nothing more than the material it's printed on.

2019-10-30 17:33:12 UTC  

Doesn't directly address this particular question, but contains relevent tangential information

2019-10-30 17:33:23 UTC  

If money means nothing in a country, there's no reason for business to be there, so it devalues the money further.

2019-10-30 17:33:41 UTC  

But both Sewell and Keynes agree that you cannot have open borders and a welfare state simultaneously

2019-10-30 17:35:53 UTC  

In this specific case, the farmer can pay more, which means putting his prices up, or invest to get higher productivity via improved efficiency or automation

2019-10-30 17:36:16 UTC  

Or his business can go to someone else who outcompetes him

2019-10-30 17:36:32 UTC  

Or, he keeps the wages low and invests at the same time?

2019-10-30 17:36:39 UTC  

All these options do not involve the negative impact on everyone else that bringing in cheap migrant labour does

2019-10-30 17:36:46 UTC  


2019-10-30 17:40:21 UTC  
2019-10-30 17:40:26 UTC  

Boris needs to step up

2019-10-30 17:45:09 UTC  

They all need to step up

2019-10-30 17:45:22 UTC  

Glad Dominic Grieve is out though, the guy is a fucken prick

2019-10-30 17:47:56 UTC  

Tories are legit manchildren

2019-10-30 17:48:25 UTC  

And labour are fragile and useless sacks of ovaries

2019-10-30 17:49:42 UTC  

When even May is showing up your maturity levels

2019-10-30 17:49:52 UTC  

And Eccles nice whataboutidm

2019-10-30 17:50:15 UTC  

examples of tories acting like utter children

2019-10-30 17:50:28 UTC  

You can only say wahhhh what about labour

2019-10-30 17:50:48 UTC  

Communists** fixed it for you.