Message from @Crafty

Discord ID: 639820840384593943

2019-11-01 13:19:37 UTC  

But isn’t us calling labour anti semetic like when the left call us islamaphobic or racist

2019-11-01 13:19:46 UTC  

Basically, yeah IIRC

2019-11-01 13:20:05 UTC  

Labour DOES kinda have a point when their supporters say "for the many, not the Jew"

2019-11-01 13:21:30 UTC  

Labour saying for the many not the few is retarded they’re the most upperclass pretentious party out there

2019-11-01 13:21:33 UTC  

As bad as the tories

2019-11-01 13:23:52 UTC  


2019-11-01 13:23:58 UTC  

they are hypocrites in that regard

2019-11-01 13:24:47 UTC  

but I reckon they have a point when it comes to Jews

2019-11-01 13:24:47 UTC  

Really, we should change to slogan to "For the many, not the *ew"

2019-11-01 13:24:50 UTC  


2019-11-01 13:25:25 UTC  

That way, both the far left and right can agree on something at least.

2019-11-01 13:25:36 UTC  

I mean

2019-11-01 13:25:43 UTC  

they agree that Jews are kinda fucking cancer

2019-11-01 13:25:58 UTC  

(which is also a belief I hold, solely because of the upper-class liberal jews in media)

2019-11-01 13:29:45 UTC  

2019-11-01 13:30:32 UTC  

the same jews that are like "you MUST accept more immigrants" while also REEEEEEEEEing when people say ISRAEL has to also accept more immigrants

2019-11-01 13:30:51 UTC  

So I'm confused by what Farage actually wants. Does he want a No Deal, or a Canada style deal? And also on the BBC page it says he wants to get a deal by July 1st 2020. Does that mean extending our stay in the EU or what?

2019-11-01 13:37:23 UTC  

link to BBC?

2019-11-01 13:37:46 UTC  

if you watch his LBC show it's pretty obvious he wants no deal

2019-11-01 13:39:35 UTC  

``Front and centre of the Tory campaign should be regional policy – spreading wealth beyond London and the South East to the UK’s post-industrial heartlands, forgotten towns and deprived coastal communities. Britain is one of the richest countries in Europe, but among the most geographically unequal – which partly explains the 2016 Brexit vote.

We need a National Infrastructure Fund – taking advantage of low interest rates to drive investment in transport, digital and social infrastructure. London attracts roughly three times more transport investment per head than the rest of Britain and over three times more foreign direct investment.``

2019-11-01 13:40:37 UTC  

Our road network is too small for the amount of traffic that uses it

2019-11-01 13:41:52 UTC  

Britain needs flying cars

2019-11-01 13:42:07 UTC  

boris can do it!

2019-11-01 13:42:33 UTC  

Giant mecha rocket powered bulldogs

2019-11-01 13:43:05 UTC  

nah mecha lions for england... mecha unicorns for scotland

2019-11-01 13:43:25 UTC  

mecha dragon for wales

2019-11-01 13:43:29 UTC  

@Hiddenhope same over here in the 13

2019-11-01 13:43:30 UTC  


2019-11-01 13:43:36 UTC  

nothing for the Scots or the Welsh

2019-11-01 13:43:41 UTC  

and NI gets.... er... giant mecha.. ummmm... thistle?

2019-11-01 13:43:50 UTC  

such savages deserve no help

2019-11-01 13:44:11 UTC  

Scot deserve mecha kilts

2019-11-01 13:45:05 UTC  

imagine actually delivering unicorns... the remainers heads would explode

2019-11-01 13:45:36 UTC  

something they made up to mock brexiteers ... but actually came to pass 😛

2019-11-01 13:47:07 UTC  

Just rember people don't get what the vote for unless it what the the political class want

2019-11-01 13:51:17 UTC  

I didnt vote for unicorns... but now that the remainers have brought it up... I want mecha unicorns in scotland... and mecha lions in england

2019-11-01 14:00:39 UTC  


2019-11-01 14:00:47 UTC  

Im not hysterical

2019-11-01 14:00:53 UTC  

Im just right lol