Message from @Nathan James 123

Discord ID: 639860403605733426

2019-11-01 14:14:19 UTC  

Could work quite well actually. @Hopix

2019-11-01 14:15:01 UTC  

What could?

2019-11-01 14:15:05 UTC  


2019-11-01 14:15:11 UTC  

almost every country spends more than they take in

2019-11-01 14:15:17 UTC  

A countries budget

2019-11-01 14:15:22 UTC  

isn't the same as your household budget

2019-11-01 14:15:35 UTC  

This is a massive problem in citizens perception of the economy

2019-11-01 14:18:39 UTC  

yes I understand ... thanks.. I do know a little about the economy, which I use to trade for profit...

read what I said again

2019-11-01 14:19:37 UTC  

``Mark Francois, a prominent member of the ERG, told the BBC's World at One programme Nigel Farage had "cocked up" his "olive branch" offer to the Tories.

"If you genuinely want to work with another political party, you don’t go on live national television and call them liars, which is what he did. He said Boris’s deal doesn’t take us out of the European Union. That is not true.

"I’m sorry, but Nigel is just is simply mistaken.

"If that was meant to be to be an olive branch, Nigel completely cocked it up."``

2019-11-01 14:20:28 UTC  

So Boris is right to refuse him then I guess

2019-11-01 14:26:45 UTC  

Nothing is really decided until Boris officially announces something

2019-11-01 14:29:40 UTC  

It just comes down to who you trust more, Farage or the ERG

2019-11-01 14:48:07 UTC  

It's a 5D chess, I promise. Like what UKIP did before the EU elections.

2019-11-01 14:56:43 UTC  

Im not even sure theyve made it to 2d chess yet tbh

2019-11-01 15:01:52 UTC  

Typical over sensitive weaklings banning people for having sexuality interests. I geuss the 50s aren't over? 😄

2019-11-01 15:45:32 UTC  

``A government decision on whether to allow Chinese tech giant Huawei into the "central nervous system" of the UK's communications network will be deferred until after the election.

It had previously been thought a decision could be made on whether to award a 5G contract to the company by the outgoing administration in the next few weeks.``

2019-11-01 15:46:25 UTC  

<:FeelTheBarn:591276979844808734> <:GetDownOnTheBarn:590619824640753697> <:shitbear:595704476447277081>

2019-11-01 16:02:16 UTC  

think Ill be voting for kwasi kwasi kwasiii

2019-11-01 16:03:45 UTC  

I thught that was a given 😛

2019-11-01 16:16:48 UTC  

Brexit means Brexit <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-11-01 16:36:55 UTC  

Looks like big daddy Sargon put out a video.
I guess I better watch it so he can tell me what to think.

2019-11-01 16:37:52 UTC  

say what you will about the west... but we're not throwing sht at each other.... yet

2019-11-01 16:40:36 UTC  

No health issues from cow dung fight
So this means they go to work right afterwards, and eat dinner, and have sex, cause there are no health risks?

2019-11-01 16:41:13 UTC  

OR do they perhaps use soap and water to shower themselves which is the real reason not all of them get incurable diseases the next day

2019-11-01 16:41:38 UTC  

Nah can't be it, I'm sure it's the faith that protects them

2019-11-01 16:42:13 UTC  

probably just die from diarrhoea

2019-11-01 16:42:14 UTC  

Holy shit.

2019-11-01 16:42:35 UTC  

maybe this is something from the gov... trying to keep the poor population from growing too fast

2019-11-01 16:42:42 UTC  

I like how the women just all stand there like "I can't believe I must live in this hellhole"

2019-11-01 16:44:11 UTC  

@wacka yes we are

2019-11-01 16:44:32 UTC  
2019-11-01 16:44:42 UTC  

Get in touch with your heritage.

2019-11-01 16:45:52 UTC  

wheres the faeces?

2019-11-01 16:46:23 UTC  

I did misread what you said tbh

2019-11-01 16:46:32 UTC  

I thought you said beating the shit out of eachother.

2019-11-01 16:47:47 UTC  

Dont make me throw faeces at you

2019-11-01 17:03:13 UTC  

Throwing fists >>> throwing diarrhea