Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 639757570117992448

2019-11-01 09:24:12 UTC  

this is critial because many children, MOST children willl have access to superior knowledge and be 'better' or 'smarter' than their parents

2019-11-01 09:24:22 UTC  

they will see no reason to yield to the 'boomer'

2019-11-01 09:24:29 UTC  

I was talking about the parents not being self reliant not the child

2019-11-01 09:24:41 UTC  

but ALL of us, no matter how smart must learn to deal with situations we cannot control

2019-11-01 09:24:44 UTC  

anyone know any good video editing software?

2019-11-01 09:24:48 UTC  

with incompetent authority

2019-11-01 09:25:06 UTC  

with those that have a degree of control over our livelihood

2019-11-01 09:25:22 UTC  

a big problem is false idols and charlatans, lets take books on raising kids for example. An aboslute fuckton of people rely on books to teach them how to raise their kids. Now well the person writing the book may have some credentials, they might think things like conformity/obedience are a positive trait in kids. So his entire mindset and expertise is based around creating the most obedient conforming kids, which may look good on paper but it actually extremely detrimental for the kids futures.

2019-11-01 09:25:24 UTC  

this is why is say that they must FIRST deal with them as a CHILD

2019-11-01 09:25:44 UTC  

by 'laying down the law' and not allowing special privledges for outliers

2019-11-01 09:25:53 UTC  

The fact that they relay on a book in the first place is where something is wrong with them

2019-11-01 09:25:59 UTC  

even IF that outlier is more mature and doesn't need the discipline

2019-11-01 09:26:09 UTC  

THey aren't thinking they are having someone else do that for them @Jamec

2019-11-01 09:26:46 UTC  

On the second part of that paragraph

2019-11-01 09:26:59 UTC  

Part of the thinking is deciding exactly what you are going to distil into your kids

2019-11-01 09:26:59 UTC  

there is also the phenomena of those in the medical or mental health professions ALWAYS being bourgeiouse

2019-11-01 09:27:12 UTC  

Ahh fucking tell me about it

2019-11-01 09:27:21 UTC  

Its why I can't stand talking to psychs

2019-11-01 09:27:38 UTC  

those making the determination of what is 'healthy' do so from an EXTREMELY skewed perspective in which there IS never a reason to get angry

2019-11-01 09:27:54 UTC  

but not getting angry when things are tough is a receipe for disaster

2019-11-01 09:28:10 UTC  

the experts have no clue just how bad things can get

2019-11-01 09:28:15 UTC  

For example

2019-11-01 09:28:37 UTC  

and if many of them had to endure a single DAY of what their patients deal with daily, the experts would have a mental breakdown

2019-11-01 09:29:20 UTC  


2019-11-01 09:29:36 UTC  

one day a mananimal will spin thru my window as i grab my shotgun

2019-11-01 09:29:41 UTC  

I've been arguing with my psych that judgment is actually good because I can tell they are totally opposed to the idea of it

2019-11-01 09:30:02 UTC  

cause THEY don't have it

2019-11-01 09:30:16 UTC  

it's the whole damn reason they found that field of study so fascinating

2019-11-01 09:30:34 UTC  

they LACK the natural ability most other have

2019-11-01 09:30:49 UTC  

and thus need to learn how people work through a damn book

2019-11-01 09:31:27 UTC  

a reason for that correlation may be that our society encourages empathetic behavior, so people who want to feel good about themselves and who dont really care about being the best medical professional they can are attracted to those professions well the people who want to become a true expert are turning aaway for being too 'insensitive' or 'radical'

2019-11-01 09:31:56 UTC  


2019-11-01 09:32:31 UTC  

Self selection is a big part of it

2019-11-01 09:32:35 UTC  

And I'm not dissing them too much

2019-11-01 09:32:35 UTC  

i have had at least a dozen people say, 'you should be a phycologist... you can read people'. the entire notion is a bit repulsive to me though

2019-11-01 09:33:10 UTC  

mainly because no one could have ever taught me what i learned myself through doing things I did not WANT to do

2019-11-01 09:33:47 UTC  

I've been told by a psych that I could do their job better then them before

2019-11-01 09:33:52 UTC  

if i was given a crutch, i would have remained crippled

2019-11-01 09:34:11 UTC  

i think that is true of anyone from a mental health perspective

2019-11-01 09:34:41 UTC  

Yeah most of what I have learned is from trial and error and you don't learn that from a fucking text book

2019-11-01 09:34:48 UTC  

everyone says to people, ' you need to see pshycologist' yet the instances of suicide and mass shooting keep going up