Message from @Snake

Discord ID: 635992292444078080

2019-10-21 23:07:22 UTC  

So therefore

2019-10-21 23:07:40 UTC  

Extreme ideas, since they tend to throw out this approach wholesale

2019-10-21 23:07:46 UTC  

That's why they're so dangerous

2019-10-21 23:08:15 UTC  

Gay marriage is now legal and abortion up to 24 week decriminalised in Northern Ireland

2019-10-21 23:08:27 UTC  

thats good news

2019-10-21 23:10:15 UTC  

Up until 60% into pregnancy, yeah great news

2019-10-21 23:10:31 UTC  

But why not 70% or 80%

2019-10-21 23:10:51 UTC  

I say lets make it 110%, or better yet 150%

2019-10-21 23:10:58 UTC  

Scratch this, make it 5000%

2019-10-21 23:11:36 UTC  

If a parent wants to abort their smartass pre-teen, should be perfectly alright

2019-10-21 23:12:25 UTC  

Since morals should be decided individually anyway, it doesn't really matter what other people think, only the mother should have a say in that

2019-10-21 23:13:05 UTC  

thats ok, as long as the father has a choice in paying for it

2019-10-21 23:13:20 UTC  

Yo I really hate tim pool I think 🤔

2019-10-21 23:13:33 UTC  

I Watched his sam seder debate and he came off real childish

2019-10-21 23:14:45 UTC  

He's young

2019-10-21 23:14:53 UTC  

He has a right to be dumb on some things

2019-10-21 23:15:28 UTC  

night mofos, hope no one burgles you or tries to abort your missus

2019-10-21 23:17:45 UTC  

I'm watching the Tim vs Seder clip, can someone explain to me what the selfown is?

2019-10-21 23:31:49 UTC  

Why does that guy look like a Jew?

2019-10-22 00:06:11 UTC  

@ETBrooD dude literally anyone who watches or is a fan of Sam Seder are fucking retarded

2019-10-22 00:06:18 UTC  

Sam Seder is fucking retarded

2019-10-22 00:11:00 UTC  

Tim *almost redpilled* pool

2019-10-22 00:13:51 UTC  

Yeah I watched it, and all I can think of is that:

2019-10-22 00:14:28 UTC  

Basically there is a underlying logic, re watch the video from the point of view that trump is currently putting people in concentration camps right now as we talk @ETBrooD

2019-10-22 00:15:19 UTC  

The best I can explain it is Tim starts out by saying there is rules against concentration camps, people won’t vote for it, but then say “but people voted for trump”

2019-10-22 00:15:37 UTC  

The only way that makes since is if you believe trump is putting people in concentration camps

2019-10-22 00:16:45 UTC  

So basically you have to put yourself in a shit lib mindset

2019-10-22 00:20:41 UTC  

But maybe Tim agreed that trump was doing that earlier in the debate but clearly didn’t believe it deep down if he fucked up like that

2019-10-22 00:20:56 UTC  

But I didn’t watch that debate, I could care less

2019-10-22 00:33:34 UTC  

I watched the full interview, Tim never said trump built/putting people in concentration camp. This clip is classic example of 'taking things out of the context'.

2019-10-22 01:31:26 UTC  

That or this is a classic example of the left projecting their thoughts and beliefs into the conversation when it never happened

2019-10-22 09:20:06 UTC  

@Python I've rewatched the clip multiple times now, and I'm still confused after your explanation lol
Premise: "I'm not having to kill anybody"
Tim's rebuttal:
1) If you vote for *someone* who's going to build a concentration camp, then you are [having to kill people]
2) The concentration camp only gets built if enough people like you believe they should support *this person* [inaudible, 'in fear'?]
[Response to that: it gets built regardless]
3) Not true, we have rules for that
[then they have a short exchange about why so many people surprisingly voted for Trump, disgruntled voters, spiteful Bernie voters. 'They can't take our vote for granted'; and 'Do you think that lesson was learned ?' (that people's vote shouldn't be taken for granted) Tim: 'no way!']
4) But they voted for *Trump*

2019-10-22 09:23:16 UTC  


2019-10-22 09:23:21 UTC  

They think concentration camp = death camp

2019-10-22 09:23:46 UTC  


2019-10-22 09:23:55 UTC  

Oh but

2019-10-22 09:23:58 UTC  

Tim didn't dispute that part

2019-10-22 09:24:22 UTC  

His response was that conc camps only get built if blabla, not that they're not the same as death camps

2019-10-22 09:24:36 UTC  

So Tim is guilty of poor argumentation