Message from @Nathan James 123

Discord ID: 637318929810718758

2019-10-25 15:08:57 UTC  

I hope this doesn’t happen, but if it does, I hope the Brexiteers win.

2019-10-25 15:24:13 UTC  

huh, that's a little different to the one i posted earlier where it said 62 and 83% were in favour of breaking our unwritten constitution

2019-10-25 15:24:22 UTC  

violence now

2019-10-25 15:44:50 UTC  

"It's not that bad" says Joshu

2019-10-25 15:45:20 UTC  

I'm stuck behind a lorry that is branded Essex bodies ltd

2019-10-25 15:45:28 UTC  

I took a pic

2019-10-25 15:45:30 UTC  

Don't open the back

2019-10-25 15:45:41 UTC  

If the back swings opens, you'll see swarms of Gooks flowing out

2019-10-25 15:47:35 UTC  

Posted in walls

2019-10-25 15:47:50 UTC  

Might have to zoom a bit :p

2019-10-25 15:51:49 UTC  

People thinking they want to

2019-10-25 15:52:07 UTC  

is very different than a government actually doing it to people who step out of line ideologically ala gestapo

2019-10-25 15:52:16 UTC  

Lets say it's the lesser of two evils

2019-10-25 15:52:31 UTC  

Wacka didn't show his hand in the picture because he's actually black

2019-10-25 15:54:36 UTC  

That's not even going into that the reasons this things are happening

2019-10-25 15:54:44 UTC  

is due to illiberal actions by the powers that be

2019-10-25 15:54:57 UTC  

Such a mass censorship

2019-10-25 15:55:13 UTC  

and attempting to ignore a democratic mandate

2019-10-25 15:55:14 UTC  


2019-10-25 15:57:46 UTC  

Shouldn't have voted in a government that supported mass censorship and collection

2019-10-25 15:57:53 UTC  


2019-10-25 15:58:02 UTC  

There is really no other option though

2019-10-25 15:58:28 UTC  

Can you name a major party that actually has a chance of winning any election that opposes mass censorship?

2019-10-25 16:00:36 UTC  

Make your own

2019-10-25 16:00:36 UTC  


2019-10-25 16:00:45 UTC  

I'll throw your arguments right back at you

2019-10-25 16:00:49 UTC  

Yes actually

2019-10-25 16:00:51 UTC  

Make it

2019-10-25 16:01:14 UTC  

You can't really, There is too much partisan politics

2019-10-25 16:01:24 UTC  

However there is also the old addage. "Those that make peaceful protest impossible makes violence inevitable"

2019-10-25 16:01:30 UTC  

We have pretty much had the option of Labour or Conservative for the last hundred years or so

2019-10-25 16:01:38 UTC  

Which is what facism would also do

2019-10-25 16:01:48 UTC  

Liberals can also be violent

2019-10-25 16:02:00 UTC  

You can have all types of rebellion

2019-10-25 16:02:09 UTC  

Thats what the USA was

2019-10-25 16:02:20 UTC  

A very early liberal rebellion

2019-10-25 16:02:24 UTC  

rebellion wouldn't happen

2019-10-25 16:03:11 UTC  

A rebellion can only really occur when a significant amount of the Government actually support a rebellion and most don't

2019-10-25 16:03:32 UTC  

And a people's revolution is so unlikely its pretty much an impossibility

2019-10-25 16:03:40 UTC  

My argument isnt that liberalism can get out of this without issue.

It is that facism would just make the situation worse... it would push it under the rug

2019-10-25 16:03:43 UTC  

just to get bigger