Message from @Eirshy
Discord ID: 638919265268793373
im not sure actually
I wish we could also get a new left for dead
todd howard is too charming
It's not really. That's like comparing two books from the same publisher.
Instead of reboots of old games
Well, DOOM is the id guys, and they made the original DOOM and DOOM 2 (along with the others iirc), so it's pretty much their baby
Good way to relax
But I still can't believe that they've got two different teams and one of them is on the god-tier that is id and the other is on the level of the Fallout 76 guys
reminder: if anyone in your life ever unironically uses the phrase "late-stage capitalism" in conversation, you have both the right and the civic duty to point at them and laugh
Ditch Turning Point
Join The Groyper Army
"the moment so many of you were waiting for"
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what the fuck
why are there mysterious figures at my door
Loremaster is ded
well considering dc's been leaking like a sieve for the last 3 years...