Message from @Uksio

Discord ID: 638467597972799509

2019-10-28 19:59:56 UTC

2019-10-28 20:00:12 UTC  

Go create a fucking communism then you can talk

2019-10-28 20:00:22 UTC  

So yes, Soviets collabed with nazies, you hypocrite cunt, @BabaBooey

2019-10-28 20:00:24 UTC

2019-10-28 20:00:45 UTC  

And how about that two-timing the Poland?

2019-10-28 20:00:57 UTC  

yes because stalling for time to build the red army after the brits refused your offer of a million troops = to partnering with the nazis, how many russian SS units were there?

2019-10-28 20:01:08 UTC  


2019-10-28 20:01:08 UTC  

Why is every communist nation at the brink of collapse or faded out of existence? Yet, Communism is that hail mary to all problems?

2019-10-28 20:01:12 UTC  

hunter batallions

2019-10-28 20:01:16 UTC  

the red army had 10 years to industrialize and build up forces

2019-10-28 20:01:31 UTC  

10cyears to do what the english did in a century

2019-10-28 20:01:33 UTC  

The soviets welcomed the nazis as liberators. But then the nazis fucked up because of their own retardation

2019-10-28 20:01:45 UTC  

@BabaBooey wait why would they stall for time to build an army they already had?

2019-10-28 20:01:47 UTC  

It is implicitly retarded. Conceptually fucked. Delineating between different "sciences" ...It just marks you as a moron. Pseudo science is a descriptor of the antithesis to real science. Like I say an implicit category error off the bat

2019-10-28 20:01:49 UTC  

communism would work on a small scale, large scale is oppressive as fuck

2019-10-28 20:01:57 UTC  

red army murdered whole villages behind enemy lines in accordance with "scorched earth policy"

2019-10-28 20:01:57 UTC  

meanwhile the Uk and us refused 1 million men to fight thr nazis vefore thr blitz

2019-10-28 20:02:06 UTC  

their own people

2019-10-28 20:02:13 UTC  

@ubermensch thts a historically illiterate thing to say

2019-10-28 20:02:17 UTC  

communists r plebs

2019-10-28 20:02:17 UTC  

so commie of them

2019-10-28 20:02:28 UTC  

communists are sociopaths

2019-10-28 20:02:28 UTC  

It is like the writings of a cargo cult

2019-10-28 20:02:37 UTC  

being able to offer 1 million outfitted troops isnt the same as having a fighting army capable of taking on the germans

2019-10-28 20:02:54 UTC  

us should have just nuked russia as well

2019-10-28 20:02:57 UTC  

@BabaBooey what lol. You just said they had a million men to offer to fight the fucking Nazis. Now your saying they stalled after being denied.

2019-10-28 20:03:02 UTC  

Oh so it was bad for the Brits to stay away from war, but it was okay for Soviets to ally with nazies?

2019-10-28 20:03:07 UTC  

Like how the various holy books are written in the wrong tense

2019-10-28 20:03:09 UTC  

@ubermensch yeah u really hve a disconnect

2019-10-28 20:03:14 UTC  

Hypocrite till the end, aren't ya Baba?

2019-10-28 20:03:19 UTC  

Nigga they threw soldiers with NO WEAPON to charge the german fortifications

2019-10-28 20:03:27 UTC  

Fucking commie grace

2019-10-28 20:03:29 UTC  

@Froststep stay away? the brits knew war was comming dotard

2019-10-28 20:03:31 UTC  

Holy shit, somebody was legit watching JJBA at the computer diagonally to me

2019-10-28 20:03:33 UTC  


2019-10-28 20:03:38 UTC  

It is an invisible dunce cap

2019-10-28 20:03:41 UTC  

It was Narancia vs Formaggio, I think

2019-10-28 20:03:41 UTC  

they wanted the russians to be stomped first

2019-10-28 20:03:54 UTC  

Inflation is a tax on savings. Taxes on rich harm the rich and don't benefit the poor, on average only the top 4% are net payers in the government

2019-10-28 20:03:54 UTC  

then the germans started bombing them to high heaven

2019-10-28 20:03:59 UTC  

Who is they