Message from @khaos156-WV
Discord ID: 339772943624044545
OK I could be wrong.
>came for trans people first
This is impossible since trannies aren't people
I hope she stands in the street. My ARB bull bar is hungry.
Trump's tranny ban is having the intended effect on our favorite C-Ville resident
^ Eats trannies
I love seeing the enemy get black pilled. Notice how quickly they turn on America too
Yeah, Trump is apparently still Trump. This is all extremely white pilling this morning.
Trump far from perfect but light years better than any possible alternative
His effect on the left alone is amazing. He's driving them crazy
Newsmax just said that "the heat" caused their feed to go out during Spencer's interview...
Is this an inside nigger joke I don't understand?
Its cooler today than it has been in weeks..
Yeah sure...the heat
The fire of the white man.
Chris Ruddy was probably sweating bullets
He didn't even believe it when he was saying it...he was trying his best to sell it. He even said "not exactly like sunspots"...wut?
This is who spencer should be getting interviewed by.
also I posted the wrong video but yeah, pastor manning.
His list of things that never happened.
Have you seen his before and after picture? No wonder he wanted to get surgery
I have not
I don't suppose anybody has a link to that interview with Spencer and JLP?
It got cut right when Spencer was making the most important points anyways.
@everyone I need a volunteer to make a call right now
To help reserve our party space
Who do you need called?
Wasn't tibor doing that
I havent heard from Tibor
I can make a call.
Can't risk not getting this done
Prob best to let a girl handle it anyway.
What's the mission, fam?