Message from @grazzt

Discord ID: 624718059537432589

2019-09-20 07:39:06 UTC  

No, I'm saying to not get hung up on it

2019-09-20 07:41:05 UTC  

Also, I don't care about the purity of any particular race

2019-09-20 07:41:48 UTC  

Sargon is part-something or rather, but still a good example of an Englishman

2019-09-20 07:42:17 UTC  

Because of the values he embodies,

2019-09-20 08:01:11 UTC  

and I would rather plant my seed in a catholic mexican chick as that will be the best bet for me to continue my heritage and culture. I openly state that, and try to openly tell others, specifically whites, to do the same.

2019-09-20 08:02:25 UTC  

You should look up Sargon's debate with Jared Taylor, pretty interesting stuff. The comments are interesting to

2019-09-20 08:02:27 UTC  


2019-09-20 08:07:59 UTC  

That's up to you, but if you decided to be more open, this also isn't so bad either

2019-09-20 08:08:31 UTC  

Yeah that's my decision. Plenty of others are more open

2019-09-20 08:08:37 UTC  

The most important thing above all is to go out there and ~~gave~~ have some kids

2019-09-20 11:57:27 UTC  

Sargon is not a good example of an Englishman. He’s part of the problem.

2019-09-20 14:02:40 UTC  

Shut the fuck up Weez you useless sack of shit

2019-09-20 14:34:24 UTC  

Shill Sargoy harder.

2019-09-20 14:34:28 UTC  

Send him shekels.

2019-09-20 20:17:00 UTC  

Didn’t Sargon marry a single mother? Or am I mistaken

2019-09-20 20:35:12 UTC  

what a cuck

2019-09-20 20:47:30 UTC  

I think he did, and tried to say that it wasn't an act of cucking. Never give your resources to a single mother. (Maybe a widow, maybe). No biological, evolutinary, or economical reason to do so.

2019-09-20 20:53:35 UTC  

ooo red text!

2019-09-20 21:25:59 UTC  

i don't know if that is true or not

2019-09-20 21:26:32 UTC  

do you have evidence of this?

2019-09-20 21:44:44 UTC  

I remember a few red pillers like Turd Flinging Monkey/Undead Chronic talked about it, but I would have to dig to find proof. I am uncertain that it's true, just want to clarify that.

2019-09-20 21:48:14 UTC  

Reminder that you do not want to go to Chelsea

2019-09-20 21:55:14 UTC  

What's Chelsea?

2019-09-20 21:57:46 UTC  

I imagine it's a punishment and I'll be more careful. I quite like this discord.

2019-09-20 22:01:42 UTC  

No, it's a reference to the Elvis Costello song "Chelsea"

2019-09-20 22:02:33 UTC  

oh, I didn't know

2019-09-20 23:15:19 UTC  

I couldn't give less of a shit about Sargon's lady's background, tbh

2019-09-20 23:15:49 UTC  

I care about his content, and I enjoy his commentary

2019-09-21 02:28:39 UTC  

I enjoy his commentary and content too; just his view about single mothers is what I entirely disagree with is all I’m saying.

2019-09-21 02:35:23 UTC  

>never help a single mother
>but also fatherlessness is a problem lol single moms are the doom of society

2019-09-21 02:35:38 UTC  

...nigga, do you want a stable nation or a rubble heap?

2019-09-21 02:45:28 UTC

2019-09-21 11:14:52 UTC  

How is supporting a widow with a child less cucking than supporting single mom and her child? All adoption is cucking in more literal sense than owning a hotwife.

2019-09-21 11:16:07 UTC  

Cuckoos don't have sex with other birds, the only lay their eggs for other species to hatch and feed (only for cockoo baby to kill all the non-cockoos, except the adoptive parents who feed it to adulthood).

2019-09-21 11:19:21 UTC  

In the literal sense, a cuck(oo) is only about adoption without consent and knowledge of adoptive parents. Also if we were technical, the ones getting the raw deal is not the cuck. Cuck is the old husband who's child is with the single mother, not Sargon. It's kinda like the retarded saying "I could care less" when people who say it mean that they **COULD NOT** care less. English people are retarded and don't have a control of their tongue.

2019-09-21 12:05:56 UTC  

@B[] What shapes culture, ideology, experience etc?

Going back to prehistoric times, the logical conclusion is that culture, ideology and experiences were shaped by the efforts of survival in the local climate of different human tribes.

In some areas, human tribes were forced to contend with freezing winters, whereas in others, humans had to contend with drought and securing sources of drinking water. In some, fruit could be picked right off trees, in others you had to hunt wild game to find something to eat.

Some areas suffered natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tornadoes etc.) Others were almost spared entirely.

All of these things must logically have influenced how local tribes of humans think and feel about different topics. And the specimens that were the best adapted to the very specific circumstances and context of their habitat were the ones that got to breed and pass along their genes, ensuring that the values, ideas and methods of communication they formed got passed on, partly from teaching but also partly from genetics.

This went on for generations and so will ultimately be responsible for racial differences exhibited between human populations today.

It is completely illogical to simply dismiss the racial differences and the rational self-interest in having allegiance to ones own race, when the prehistoric isolation between human groups have clearly had such an huge impact on the genetic psyche of them.

2019-09-21 12:23:11 UTC  

@whiic Err no, the Cuck is the new husband who invariably gets suckered into sacrificing his time and resources to provide and care for a child that isn't his own biological offspring.

The "old husband" is not the cuck in that scenario because he already got to breed with the woman and produced offspring which he himself does not have to invest much time or effort in caring for, since his former wife and her new partner cares for his child. Basically, the old husband has achieved success in the biological competition between the sexes since his genes are not only passed along, but have their chances of survival increased on account of effectively having THREE adults caring for and nurturing his offspring (most children will have to settle for two adults at the most).

Sexual dimporphism in humans create this sexual competition between men and women. Men can produce millions of sperm cells every day, and they can do this up to very old age. Therefore their biological imperative is to impregnate as many women as possible, in order to ensure the survival of their own genes by a kind of "shotgun approach" (impregnate many women, and some offspring might die, but the chances increase that some of the offspring survives to adulthood and manage to breed on their own)

2019-09-21 12:28:30 UTC  

Women on the other hand have almost directly opposite circumstances and biological goals. A woman can only produce a finite amount of eggs during her lifetime, and the period in which she's fertile is much shorter on average than that of the average man. Therefore the woman has a biological imperative to be much more selective of the man being allowed to fertilize her eggs. And since children are very weak and defenseless for a long period of time right after birth, and the woman herself is in a physically fragile state while pregnant, the woman has an imperative to both find a man with good genes, likely to produce strong offspring, but also a man capable of caring for her and protecting her and their mutual child during pregnancy and the early childhood of their offspring.

That offers the womans genes the best chances of survival. But seeing as how male specimens who are both possessing good genes AND behave as loyal caregivers are quite rare on the meatmarket, many women settle for being impregnated by an attractive man with good genes in order to create strong offspring, but they ensnare a more desperate, less attractive man exhibiting more loyal characteristics to be the caregiver of her and her offspring.

It's a behavioural adaptation of promiscuity to solve a problem which the sexual competition and sexual dimorphism cause for women.

2019-09-21 12:52:59 UTC  

> English people are retarded and don't have a control of their tongue.
👌 🆗 💯 👍 👍 👌

2019-09-21 12:55:05 UTC  

@Seven Proxies

> This went on for generations and so will ultimately be responsible for racial differences exhibited between human populations today.

I don't think it was long enough to make any massive changes, past some small changes in appearance related DNA [1], evidenced by the fact we can still inter-breed without issue. Our brains are essentially the same [2]. Assuming there are differences though, as long as somebody from another race exhibits an understanding and agreement of the same cultural and ideological fundamentals, what difference does it make?

> It is completely illogical to simply dismiss the racial differences and the rational self-interest in having allegiance to ones own race, when the prehistoric isolation between human groups have clearly had such an huge impact on the genetic psyche of them.

If these differences are so evident in the brain, please link the Scientific articles. You can find small differences in brain structure of course [3], but show me something that indicates a fundamental difference that is the result of nature rather than nurture, which changes the race's processing of certain information.

My point is, as long as somebody from a different race shares my fundamental beliefs (the beliefs I am am unwilling to compromise on), such as culture and ideology, what difference does it really make? Personally, I value my culture and ideology over the colour of my skin.
