Message from @ryvergate
Discord ID: 624342080667254791
it's 1 kilo the first week
it depends on your starting weight, the bigger you are the easier it is to lose.
then about 5 in the second
and 2 after you start eating normally
that's 6
since it's processing
normally here means not like a pig
Uh actually usually diet is really fast in the weight number department at the start
but really slow after
and it's because you first lose a ton of water weight from glucose stores
worked like this for me
I wasn't ever even overweight just wanted to try if I can keep it even lower
turns out it's pretty easy ngl
Meanwhile I just didn't want to buy new pants lol
Also why I stopped dieting
went too far in that direction too
the interesting thing is how quickly you can get used to eating less
well, i'm also eating just as nondiet foods as usual. just way less amount
if i can't even have something that tastes better than cardboard i'd lose weight faster but also my sanity
and you don't even notice
sadly it's bad for you
Now I'm maintaining at a reasonable level. I do stick with some of the better habbits but that's about it.
What's your BMI tho?
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for π°I Love Judy Hoppsπ°#8073, +Silence, -Xenos
That was an old one. Carry on as normal
yay the furry is gone
Tyrone al-Steinzalez for president