Message from @Andrew Popa 2.0

Discord ID: 624712952628510731

2019-09-20 21:03:29 UTC  

If you are looking at masters I would say approach the army and ask about the bursery scheme

2019-09-20 21:03:35 UTC  

They could of funded you through uni tbh

2019-09-20 21:03:41 UTC  

They offered it to me and I refused

2019-09-20 21:04:14 UTC  

I think it has a mandatory 4 years after, but you have that anyway unless it stacks in which case 8 years 🤷

2019-09-20 21:04:18 UTC  

I looked at some other schemes like that, though not for the army

2019-09-20 21:04:24 UTC  

Sadly I was too late to apply for them

2019-09-20 21:04:45 UTC  

I dunno, regulars will take you up to 34-35 depending on trade, reservists up to 55

2019-09-20 21:04:47 UTC

2019-09-20 21:05:12 UTC  
2019-09-20 21:05:26 UTC  

Fair enough

2019-09-20 21:05:27 UTC  


2019-09-20 21:05:29 UTC  


2019-09-20 21:05:29 UTC  

Okay anything happen in A51 while I slept

2019-09-20 21:05:45 UTC  

Laymen disappeared off the youtubes when the money dried up and when the acrimony started

2019-09-20 21:05:49 UTC  

Can't say I blame him

2019-09-20 21:05:50 UTC  

Waiting for someone to get shot <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

2019-09-20 21:05:56 UTC  

I will be mildly amused

2019-09-20 21:05:58 UTC  

Did you guys hear about the fliers that say "Islam is right about women"

2019-09-20 21:06:07 UTC  

Oh boy...

2019-09-20 21:06:12 UTC  

Islam *IS* right about women, they are property <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-09-20 21:06:14 UTC  

Are we doing that again?

2019-09-20 21:06:33 UTC  

Like people just jump on from idiotic political trend to idiotic political trend

2019-09-20 21:06:35 UTC  

doing -what- again?

2019-09-20 21:06:44 UTC  

Being retarded

2019-09-20 21:06:48 UTC  


2019-09-20 21:06:55 UTC  

Being mentally challenged

2019-09-20 21:06:56 UTC  

What's wrong? Is Islam correct about women or not?

2019-09-20 21:06:58 UTC  

Layman is still on YouTube just under another name last time I checked idk if he still does content though

2019-09-20 21:07:10 UTC  

correct about women what?

2019-09-20 21:07:19 UTC  

Gay sex

2019-09-20 21:07:19 UTC

2019-09-20 21:07:35 UTC  

I dunno? What does Islam have to say about the treatment of women?

2019-09-20 21:07:48 UTC  

Not a recruiter, ive left now, so I can say its shit, but the benefits are good if utilised right <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-09-20 21:07:52 UTC  

No one cares about what relijun says about shit

2019-09-20 21:08:15 UTC  

put in appropriate historical and biological context, islam's thoughts about women is about right. but this is not 700AD and things have changed, and you might be wise to have a rethink

2019-09-20 21:08:27 UTC  

It's just a meme that will die in about a month and everyone will forget about it and then people will find a new meme to fuck around with

2019-09-20 21:09:01 UTC  

getting sick and tired of being called a mgtow on here when people should know I have a girlfriend heres the proof

2019-09-20 21:09:01 UTC  

Which is why it's important to enjoy the memes while they last :)

2019-09-20 21:09:03 UTC  

Wait, women aren't objects any more? then why do they keep wearing make up <:Kappa:386676594120589312>

2019-09-20 21:09:11 UTC  

they were never considered objects