Message from @Uksio
Discord ID: 625384565778677790
Not Facebook, Mensa
I paid for it
@Danacrag Flandre?
140 IQ and not working like a slave for the eugenostate
you were scammed then
how many months did you spend
Haha good one Uksio
@Danacrag Is that Flandre or Remilia?
how many push-ups
how much juice
0 pull-ups
Pushups are relatively easy
Has The xethnostate succeeded?
it's scrooge....
i actually dont know that much about 2hu sorry @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck ........ also the cute vampire is the best
livid poo eater
Xethnostate this Xethnostate that, SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY
couldn't do 1
pull ups are easy, so that's why you have to make them harder
@livid_scrooge sorry (((dotty_scrooge...........................)))
@livid_scrooge fuck you eat shit and die <:xethno:522941537647329280>
How dare you insult the xethnostate
Can I meet the asshole trying to impersonate me
if pulls ups are so easy then why dont you pull yourslef up with a rope around your neck? @HunDread
I do 40 pullups but I'm also preparing for the ethnocleansing unlike you future camp workers.
thats not a girl
When’s the purge coming?
And ofc for !POW it's not a girl if she has no feminine penis
Fucking degen