Message from @Vander Loonéy

Discord ID: 627848299478777868

2019-09-29 12:39:34 UTC  

Oh just have fun with the hypothetical.

2019-09-29 12:39:38 UTC  

Not just for you but for your family too

2019-09-29 12:40:34 UTC  

You want to see how to destroy your quaint notions of morality? Try starvation.

2019-09-29 12:41:01 UTC

2019-09-29 12:41:14 UTC  

And most of us have no clue how to live off the land

2019-09-29 12:41:20 UTC  

All this talk of starvation is making me feel mighty red

2019-09-29 12:41:27 UTC  

Then it forces cannibalism and an undying hatred of the nation responsible, look at Japan, China is gunning for them, and it will be brutal- because of all the Japs did <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-09-29 12:41:43 UTC  

All this talk of starvation is reminding me I'm hungry and have some shitty dry noodles to cook up

2019-09-29 12:41:45 UTC

2019-09-29 12:42:08 UTC  

If the gundam weeabo army don't save them and Godzilla remains sleeping China is going to have their assholes <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-09-29 12:42:15 UTC  

Pretty sure japan is rebuilding it's army.

2019-09-29 12:42:26 UTC  

As is Germany

2019-09-29 12:42:27 UTC  

Japan isn't allowed to use their military, its a "defence force" lul

2019-09-29 12:42:42 UTC  

Now there are ways around that but officially

2019-09-29 12:42:42 UTC  

Axis 2: The Reckoning

2019-09-29 12:43:02 UTC  

Like KDF (Kenya Defence Force) has a way around it, because they also provide the military for Somalia

2019-09-29 12:43:04 UTC  

I'm not concerned with Italy rearming though

2019-09-29 12:43:11 UTC  

If they went full Axis it'd just make them worse

2019-09-29 12:43:19 UTC  

So they go over the border every 2-3 months, cut Boko Harem up (literally) and then leave

2019-09-29 12:43:26 UTC  

Italy is France with slightly more longevity. They'll still bail.

2019-09-29 12:44:59 UTC  

Last time I was in germany I saw a lot of angry white germans, I'm still worried about that, I am a belgian after all, fucking germans, just go to france and pass belgium this time.

2019-09-29 12:45:11 UTC  

Belgiums not a real country

2019-09-29 12:45:51 UTC  

You can belong to france, holland, or germany, dont care which but you, the swiss, and luxembourg need to pick <:pepe:312704217028493312>

2019-09-29 12:46:25 UTC  

Switzerland picks banks. They win regardless.

2019-09-29 12:46:45 UTC  

Bitch, Galia belgica existed before the romans were a thing. Learn your history. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-09-29 12:46:57 UTC  

Its not a thing anymore <:pepe:312704217028493312>

2019-09-29 12:47:05 UTC  

Get back to one of the father countries peasant

2019-09-29 12:48:29 UTC  

We shall regain what was lost, and destroy the enemies within. To restore our great mead beer drinking nation! <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-09-29 12:49:54 UTC  

Damn, can't find my silly viking gif

2019-09-29 12:50:50 UTC  

Dinnae fek weth Odin

2019-09-29 12:51:29 UTC  
2019-09-29 12:51:34 UTC  

Noo, not that one, 4 fat dudes with helmets, beer mugs and inflated pooltoys.

2019-09-29 12:52:15 UTC  

‘Ate Stella

2019-09-29 12:52:21 UTC  

‘Ate Fosters

2019-09-29 12:53:29 UTC  

Stella meh, avoid maes (it's our piss beer), the rest is fine, many different flavours. [The belgian beer chart]

2019-09-29 12:56:38 UTC  

11% Holland beer turns me into a rageaholic

2019-09-29 12:56:56 UTC  

If I ever REEEE on here, I just had some of that

2019-09-29 12:57:17 UTC  

Puny human. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-09-29 12:57:51 UTC  

Downside is it is super sweet and frothy.