Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 628338324720844832

2019-09-30 21:11:13 UTC  


2019-09-30 21:11:14 UTC  


2019-09-30 21:11:18 UTC  

Wtf is that

2019-09-30 21:11:25 UTC  

Jack gets wet for me when I have a bullet belt on <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2019-09-30 21:11:29 UTC  

Fucking GRIM is what it is @JackH670

2019-09-30 21:11:29 UTC  

@British Cigarette is a guy tbh

2019-09-30 21:11:30 UTC  


2019-09-30 21:11:35 UTC  

Eh, for having worked at a Subway.. I still enjoy their sandwiches from time to time.

2019-09-30 21:11:36 UTC  

@Mikey ew no

2019-09-30 21:11:39 UTC  

Im actually a trap

2019-09-30 21:11:45 UTC  

Even worse

2019-09-30 21:11:47 UTC  

I’ll vc to to prove it lmao

2019-09-30 21:11:50 UTC  

why am i not surprised

2019-09-30 21:11:51 UTC  


2019-09-30 21:11:52 UTC  

He’s a sub so he will deny it

2019-09-30 21:11:53 UTC  


2019-09-30 21:11:54 UTC  
2019-09-30 21:11:55 UTC  

there are no girls on the internet, even discordia is actually called John <:pepe:312704217028493312>

2019-09-30 21:12:01 UTC  
2019-09-30 21:12:04 UTC  

are you gay tho @British Cigarette

2019-09-30 21:12:10 UTC  


2019-09-30 21:12:13 UTC  

All the fags and trannies and people wonder why hitler was elected

2019-09-30 21:12:13 UTC  

Discordia is my alt

2019-09-30 21:12:15 UTC  

I like my bf’s dick so yes

2019-09-30 21:12:28 UTC  

Right wing terrorism is the most common
I wonder why

2019-09-30 21:12:29 UTC  

We're waiting

2019-09-30 21:12:31 UTC  

Hitler wasnt elected with a mandate

2019-09-30 21:12:37 UTC  

False @JackH670

2019-09-30 21:12:45 UTC  

He had like 30% and managed to politic his way into it

2019-09-30 21:12:46 UTC  

let's hear this lispy queer voice @British Cigarette

2019-09-30 21:12:48 UTC  

What if the real reason hitler death camped people was to reduce the climate footprint <:pepe:312704217028493312>

2019-09-30 21:12:51 UTC  

False. @JackH670

2019-09-30 21:12:56 UTC  

People loves hitler lol

2019-09-30 21:12:59 UTC  

His party won the majority

2019-09-30 21:13:03 UTC  

his party selected him

2019-09-30 21:13:08 UTC  

The german people very much loved him

2019-09-30 21:13:08 UTC  

and thus history was made

2019-09-30 21:13:09 UTC  

Hitler was a good manlet

2019-09-30 21:13:10 UTC  

I'VE HEARD ENOUGH @British Cigarette @Redxl

2019-09-30 21:13:11 UTC  


2019-09-30 21:13:11 UTC  

Hitler? More like 🅱itler