Message from @Maths Plural
Discord ID: 623623771411972110
nah they're human lefts lol
Yeah, HR is definitely left
in my company they seem pretty based strangely
exception that proves the rule lol
I still wouldn't trust them, tbh
dont worry, i dont. i just fix their computers
and their technical ineptitude pays my bills
you cruel bastards
of course they'll single me out, i'm the only one that gets pussy. bunch of jealous bastards
@buy high sell low Nah, we have people from all parts of the political (and autism) spectrum
@BabaBooey is the resident Libertarian Socialist
M14's an EthnoNat IIRC
and you're not part of any, you retard
@PureEvilPie's a Lib Dem
you people are beyond thick
Ford and Miniature Menace are kinda vague tbh
There's also some ancap on her AFAIK
no wonder the muzzers are taking over. you faggots are faggots
@Weez has 9D politics, so they're unsurprisingly undescribable
@Maths Plural salty bitch
Salty as fuck.
What's happening?
@Weez LincolnHawk's salty
dunno why
I was just describing the diversity in this server
you don't know the meaning of salty ya faggot cunt
@Maths Plural Oh, I do
I'm looking at you
so I've got a good indication
Monica and Sado are Black
What's this poof been saying? @Maths Plural
You're all homosexual and you agree with that
`no wonder the muzzers are taking over. you faggots are faggots`
Bold move to assume the majority of us are Britbongs
@Maths Plural
>Big-Titty women
I'm not disputing you self agrandized homosexuality
shit b8
Isn't it "aggrandized"?
I'm not denying that you're a carpet muncher
I'm not denying that you're a Communist
not for one second am i claiming that you're a rug trader