buy high sell low

Discord ID: 226361924995121152

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i identify as an old nigga

change my mind

beleive so

and dont get banned

i'll try to lol

good job free speech extremists eh

seems that mastodon is as cucked as twitter already

if not more

alt-tech social media isnt always on our side

speaking of which isnt this place just an echo-chamber

and yeah it has become one after billing itself as a pro-FS

oof "puts privacy ahead of profits"

if they say that its probably not true lol


looking into it more

"mastodon can't go bankrupt" ooookkkk

news just in server costs, electricity and staff are now human rights, making them free!

nah they're human lefts lol

in my company they seem pretty based strangely

exception that proves the rule lol

dont worry, i dont. i just fix their computers

and their technical ineptitude pays my bills

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck finally i can meet some fellow anarcho-neo-randian Nazbols

they were part of the byzantine empire

mostly orthodox christian

so crusades were a reconquest

battle of tours

they were roman, and converted pretty early iirc

then the visigoths in tunisia etc. were christian

then the islamic invasions and oh look everyone converted to islam

by their own accord of course lol

no conversion by sword here

right what's next?

and they wanted slaves

thats a good reason too

which country are you from @S K E L L Y Ivanthenotsoterrible ?

the ottomans mainly took the slavs as slaves

vee talks about it too much

never met pole i didnt like

are you a southerner?

oof, northerner reporting

5 minutes away from a pakistani ghetto

as vee said, slavery was a moral improvement over mass murder

slightly more humane

and then we came along and said "you know what's a moral improvement over slavery? not slavery"

name one that wasnt ivan

greenland i guess

maybe remote argentina

but the only reason they werent built on blood is cos theres fuck all there to fight over

west yorkshire

born and bred

our flag is better than yours


at least yours has a wikipedia page

i saw one of our flags flying at the brexit rally in london

good do that was

saw sargon in person lol

much shorter irl

well i'm 6'4

easy lol

so whats your tkae on the Big B?

is it the same as everyone else in this echo chamber?

you have 1 guess

what could i possibly be talking about

well the Big C is cancer

so the big b


or i guess boris lol

nah i think we should continue with this hellish limbo for the next 5 years

who needs politicians who can make decisions eh?

all the decisions theyve made so far have been crap

so why not just stop lol

think it was the torah to begin with

just sayin lol

mmmmm burka


100% pork hamburka

well see you later guys im being arrested

i take it you didnt vote in the referendum ivan?

you seem too young

nah im an ethno-imperialist

we should spread the british seed everywhere

virgin ethno-nationalist -> chad ethno-imperialist

we call em chips because they're chipped

you mean the quarter pounder with cheese

mayo on the fries

ok the fact that you didnt get the reference offends me

mods ban him

he is being movie-phobic

filthy neoliberal centrist cuckboi

you should be an anti-centrist like me

nazbol dick

fuck it instead of left right spectrum why dont we just use the autistic spectrum

get outta here you far-sperg white nationalist

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