Message from @Polekov
Discord ID: 598877496242470933
That is one hell of a stinky blue cheese.
@Polekov he’s real and tried to eat my ass
Are there actually holocaust deniers here
Because why did like 10 million ukranians disappear
Did the jews just disappear then
@JackH670 no u
I thought it was a joke
But also yes
I’m a libertarian but I post maxi stuff on 4chan just to piss off the shells and demoralize them.
Holodomor was pretty fucking terrible.
They packed up and left
Yeah all these ukranians just disappeared
Commies need to be yeeted for what they have done.
because they died from a famine, though it wasn't 10 million
Nazi stuff*
They went to Israel
That's why the state exists today
It was partially man made
not really
Yea the famine purposely only killed Jews lmao
They went to Israel before it existed, nice
@Weez thinks this is unironic
And it was around 10 million, estimates vary
Ducking 300iq
Some are lower some are higher
most estimates of most things the enemies of liberalism have done are bullshit
@Death in June Forcibly taking the food out of the mouths of peasants doesn't strike me as a very natural way to have a famine. Especially if you already have it.
Yeah you also wanna tell me that mao also only killed a few thousand people?
Imagine spending a lifetime worth of work making sure it’s irrefutable just for some lazy shit cunt to sit on his ass and say It NeVeR HaPpEnEd
i don't know how many deaths mao was responsible for
@Weez :
God bless.