Message from @Samaritan

Discord ID: 599182090403184640

2019-07-12 10:11:24 UTC  

very close

2019-07-12 10:11:35 UTC  

it is just that the results of the polls were interpreted incorrectly

2019-07-12 10:11:51 UTC  

The Swedish Nationalist Party polls lower but gets way more votes than what the polls predict

2019-07-12 10:11:54 UTC  

people didn't take into account the dynamics involved with the electoral college

2019-07-12 10:12:06 UTC  

Its amazingly close considering the population of the cities

2019-07-12 10:12:18 UTC  

Not necessarily. People in the government have explicitly barred any attempts at validating the citizenship of registered voters, and the "voter fraud" research they've done has never involved actually going through the fucking registry and validating the citizenship of people who vote.

2019-07-12 10:12:27 UTC  

Polls are retarded

2019-07-12 10:12:35 UTC  

I read somewhere that almost 40% of people in California voted Trump

2019-07-12 10:12:56 UTC  

Polls showed trump would lose polls showed remain would win polls showed labour would win in australia all wrong polls are a lie

2019-07-12 10:13:13 UTC  

Just because Hillary Clinton "wins" the popular vote, that doesn't mean eligible voters supported her over Trump. Quite frankly, I'm not willing to "believe" any of our elections until we validate the voter registry and purge anyone who can't verify citizenship.

2019-07-12 10:13:23 UTC  

well most people in california probably voted for trump, clinton got votes from hispanics, blacks, and thots, not people

2019-07-12 10:13:24 UTC  

That's because the polls were retardedly conducted, intentionally or not

2019-07-12 10:14:07 UTC  

the popular vote isn't necessarily indicative of popular will since the presence of the electoral college affects how people vote and how politicians campaign

2019-07-12 10:14:13 UTC  

@Death in June except about 1/3 of all Mexican-Americans voted for Trump

2019-07-12 10:14:22 UTC  

I think California and New York had a fuckload of illegals and noncitizens voting when they shouldn't have been, and I'm going to hold that belief until they go through their registry, name by name, and then arrest anyone who shows up that isn't a citizen.

2019-07-12 10:15:00 UTC  

Since the democrats removed voter id from their states on purpose I wouldn't be surprised if they'd lose popular vote without illegals

2019-07-12 10:15:05 UTC  

well and that is also without getting into what constitutes popular will of course

2019-07-12 10:15:08 UTC  

They've never once done a name-by-name check of the voter registry in ANY state, and they really need to.

2019-07-12 10:15:09 UTC  

Does California have voter ID laws?

2019-07-12 10:15:40 UTC  

No, and Cali gave driver IDs to illegals, which they can use to register to vote.

2019-07-12 10:15:42 UTC  

They are a sanctuary city thats probably a big fuck no

2019-07-12 10:16:04 UTC  

So don't believe shit in the election numbers coming out of California.

The election numbers CANNOT be trusted. Not until they validate the registry.

2019-07-12 10:16:05 UTC  

Sanctuary cities are literally criminal

2019-07-12 10:16:28 UTC  

Its the sate gov helping criminals its unfucking acceptable

2019-07-12 10:17:00 UTC  

Until we get a name-by-name validation, where people have to prove their citizenship to remain on the rolls (Hell, the DNC can pony up the cash and volunteer hours to assist people in finding documents), I'm not going to believe the results of any election, especially coming from places like New York and California.

2019-07-12 10:17:04 UTC  

I think it's unfair to blame the Hillary votes on black people and Mexicans, since about 1/3 of Mexican Americans voted Trump and so did a large portion of black people.

2019-07-12 10:17:06 UTC  

The mayors of one of the cities even told all the illegals that ICE was coming in their city

2019-07-12 10:17:12 UTC  

Its downright treasonous stuff

2019-07-12 10:17:29 UTC  

Helping foreign nationals

2019-07-12 10:17:32 UTC  

Obviously the illegals voted Hillary, there's no way they'd ever vote Trump

2019-07-12 10:17:55 UTC  

We don't even know how many illegals there are because they are illegal

2019-07-12 10:18:18 UTC  

It could easily be the 2 mil that Hillary had over trump on the popular vote though

2019-07-12 10:18:41 UTC

2019-07-12 10:18:45 UTC

2019-07-12 10:18:46 UTC  

Even though the dems should have won the pop vote by a larger margin considering the population of blue states

2019-07-12 10:19:46 UTC  

Well I'll be honest... we've all heard the stories of Democrats being charged with literally committing election fraud in state and local elections, so why would that not happen in a presidential election?

2019-07-12 10:19:57 UTC  

@Swedishmafia101 - Black people have given their votes to the DNC since polls fucking started. Even in 1956, the year of the "Southern Manifesto," literally a year after the death of Emmet Till, black people STILL voted Democrat. All that happened when Democrats stopped lynching black people, is that their share of the black vote went from 61% all the way to 90%+, and it's been there ever since.

2019-07-12 10:20:23 UTC  

It'd happen more since they start campaigning like fucking 18 months before the election

2019-07-12 10:20:44 UTC  

When Democrats stopped lynching black people, they went from 60%+ of the black vote to 90%+.

That, and a lot of Southern Whites told the DNC to go to hell.

2019-07-12 10:21:32 UTC  

But make no mistake: Even when Democrats are literally hanging black men from trees, they STILL get the black vote. That will never, ever, change. Not in our lifetimes.

2019-07-12 10:22:01 UTC  

Ok, blackpilled boi