Message from @Swagmaster
Discord ID: 599712148796473394
why you may ask?
tough ships are slow
send too many ships away and risk invasion
heavier = slower
ships ar emade to move cargo and men
by tough, i meant seaworthy or survivable
why woud you want a slow ship?
build too many ships and start a war
especially when the meditteranean sea is very calm
yes, that's why the atlantic was avoided for thousands of years
ships ARE ... but back then they weren't
roman roads are narrow as fuck, fam
I hate that a perfect meme is ruined by 'cooncil'
Jack, that doesn't take into account a lot of material properties
i have spent MANY, MANY weeks at sea
to be fair
kinda miss it
roman roads arent regularly torn up to work on underground wires and pipes
right - also roman aqueduct water wasn't as pure as modern water
turn, only german roads are lol
Tasty tasty lead
people think romans were perfect lol, no they were relatively advanced - it's all relative
'relatively' i s true; compared to the savages
The modern legal systems are based off Justinian's codex
isn't that continental law
english common law is different
napoleonic code is the connection isn't it
Yeah English is different
could be wrong
lol Europe is merely a continent off the coast of Great Britian
yeah the napoleonic code is what lets the french hold employers accountable for employees after they've left a company lol
Scotland uses a form of continental
or justify authoritarianism while still calling themselves democratic basically
you can be an authoritarian democracy