Message from @ebinmemes22
Discord ID: 600031818254909450
who was the alt right guy who's mother came out and said he was jewish
i'll stop being gay if i get an answer in the next 10 seconds
you might be thinking of Mike Enoch being outed as having a Jewish wife
about 2 1/2 years ago
nah not this guy, but he works too
see the alt right are just jews
everything is Jews
The sun is Jewish
Thermodynamics is Jewish
Well, we all came from Adam and Havva, so what do you think... <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
I dont know what just happened, but I'm sure the jews were behind it somehow <:powerful:595334910764515338> <:angrypepe:497157904743268363> <:peperage:588019564575457311>
man this is a good article
just found it when searching to see if there was anyone other than Mike Enoch who fit your description
How’s everyone
Let's fucking go, England!
Ummm, but the actual Alt-right literally write articles about how Jordan Peterson is a cuck because he doesn't like anti-semitism and doesn't hate Israel
Jordan Peterson isn’t too great though he is a bit repetitive
World Cup winners!
yes but there was a specific one
Fuck the New Zealanders!!
Jordan Peterson is still better than the fucking Alt-Right lmao
Spencer is a retard
Spencer believes in white priviledge, difference being that he thinks it's a good thing and he wants more of it
he doesn't seem that mean tho
im the best im so cocky i got a mob like a$ap rocky
Patriotism is high tonight.
Can't bring football home, but sure can bring cricket home.
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