Message from @Weez

Discord ID: 602655566786985995

2019-07-22 00:08:23 UTC  

Not really

2019-07-22 00:08:33 UTC  

You can get some pretty simple to use addons for firefox

2019-07-22 00:08:38 UTC  

Just a couple clicks and you're fine..

2019-07-22 00:09:02 UTC  

Firefox borked most of their add-ons, trying to block out the gab extension...

2019-07-22 00:09:12 UTC  


2019-07-22 00:09:16 UTC  

Was hilarious.

2019-07-22 00:11:35 UTC  

this is what ive been telling ya, goolge and firefox they are now blocking out website that they do not like, how can you be trustin an corporate like that.

2019-07-22 00:11:56 UTC  

Firefox isn't actively blocking any websites.

2019-07-22 00:12:01 UTC  

Your ISP on the other hand.

2019-07-22 00:12:34 UTC  

If anyone wants some comedy...
This happens when you start following facebook news, since they don't fact check dates...
Date if you see under red stern logo, the date is 8. 24, 2017

@ Laurie_Garrett - Blue Checkmark.
Germans know fascism when they see it.
Today the nation's top magazine, Stern, declares @ POTUS @ realDonaldTrump a Nazi.
Yesterday Chancellor Angela Merkel came to the defense of US Congress "Squad."
stern - Blue checkmark.
Sein Kampf! Neonazis, Ku-Klux-Klan, Rassismus: Wie Donald J. Trump den Hass in Amerika schürt.
Ab morgen am Kiosk: der neue stern.
Ausgewählte Kommentare würden wir gerne mit Usernamen im stern drucken. Wer dies nicht möchte, fügt bitte zwei Schrägstriche am Ende des Kommentars ein. Danke.

> <>

2019-07-22 00:13:53 UTC  

If Trump is a Nazi, than nazism can't be that bad <:BIGBRAIN:501101491428392991>

2019-07-22 00:15:21 UTC  

Of course the east german would defend her commie allies

2019-07-22 00:15:22 UTC

2019-07-22 00:15:32 UTC  

this is why its super dangures to relly on a giant corp, for what will you do when golge decides that you aded an icon they do not like are you simply gonna go and delete everything and bend the knee only cause of an icon you designed that they do not like, or worse that they are gonna screw you over with your coding untill they force you to sell out your company to them.

2019-07-22 00:16:03 UTC  

tfw the krauts have forgotten what a real nazi looks like

2019-07-22 00:17:27 UTC  

Don't use Google products

2019-07-22 00:17:42 UTC  

now if you'll excuse me I need to donate to a certain nazi high command dating sim

2019-07-22 00:17:47 UTC  

we all do chrome, youtube and etc

2019-07-22 00:17:54 UTC  


2019-07-22 00:18:03 UTC  

Don't use Chrome

2019-07-22 00:18:15 UTC  

Use Lynx

2019-07-22 00:18:18 UTC  

Find where the people you follow post alternatives sites to their content

2019-07-22 00:18:23 UTC  

I use duck duck go

2019-07-22 00:18:31 UTC  

It's shit but I do as well

2019-07-22 00:18:38 UTC  

same do i

2019-07-22 00:18:46 UTC  

Use Firefox

2019-07-22 00:18:55 UTC  

Get some basic anti-tracking plugins

2019-07-22 00:19:00 UTC  


2019-07-22 00:19:08 UTC  

Privacy-possum is an alright one

2019-07-22 00:19:11 UTC  

Mozilla went full libtard in their company.

2019-07-22 00:19:16 UTC  


2019-07-22 00:19:17 UTC  

Same as chrome.

2019-07-22 00:19:26 UTC  

The quality of their product hasn't changed

2019-07-22 00:19:45 UTC  

Unless you care about that meme (((GAB))) plugin

2019-07-22 00:20:06 UTC  

HTTPS everywhere is another required one

2019-07-22 00:20:53 UTC  

I don't really get the whole browser issue

2019-07-22 00:21:02 UTC  

they are all more or less servicable, lol

2019-07-22 00:21:13 UTC  

@Weez so the nthere is no real alternative then thats what your saying

2019-07-22 00:21:22 UTC  

Well there is?

2019-07-22 00:21:25 UTC  

I just listed them?