Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 605422340289069077

2019-07-29 15:30:21 UTC  

It's caused by people being overreliant on doctors for everything

2019-07-29 15:30:27 UTC  

Yeah, like having to pay 10k per illegal birth, in your hospitals.

2019-07-29 15:30:33 UTC  

And that in turned is caused by insurance

2019-07-29 15:30:43 UTC  

Public health insurance namely

2019-07-29 15:30:44 UTC  

The cost to insurers is too high, there needs to be investigation into how prices are being set and justified

2019-07-29 15:30:47 UTC  

by BMI USA is ranked 17th

2019-07-29 15:30:59 UTC  

UK is 40th

2019-07-29 15:31:05 UTC  


2019-07-29 15:31:13 UTC  

I thought we were still near the top lol

2019-07-29 15:31:19 UTC  

Damn are we that low now

2019-07-29 15:31:26 UTC  

Is Kuwait still number 1

2019-07-29 15:31:37 UTC  

I can really tell I eat a lot of mango. <:smugay:593502151758708776>

2019-07-29 15:31:38 UTC  

17 IS near the top

2019-07-29 15:31:39 UTC  


2019-07-29 15:31:45 UTC  


2019-07-29 15:31:46 UTC  

There would be lower prices, if (((they))) didn't change our multiple currency types, into the dollar, and strip it of all the representation the dollar held. Used to stand for gold, now it's a token you trade for temporary benefits

2019-07-29 15:31:48 UTC  

I meant more like top 5

2019-07-29 15:31:54 UTC  

Some oceanic Island

2019-07-29 15:31:59 UTC  

@wacka IIRC Nauru is the highest

2019-07-29 15:32:14 UTC  

Kiribati's like #2 or #4

2019-07-29 15:32:51 UTC  

Tonga is #2

2019-07-29 15:32:52 UTC  

Kuwait is like 75% overweight iirc

2019-07-29 15:33:33 UTC  

GF was charged 3k for MRI on ER visit, then when she went back was charged 150 for the same staff, same techs and same unit for same amount of time the next week as a non-ER visit.

2019-07-29 15:33:35 UTC  


2019-07-29 15:33:39 UTC  

That's where the problem is

2019-07-29 15:34:21 UTC  

This genuinely sounds like you have bad insurance

2019-07-29 15:34:44 UTC

2019-07-29 15:35:10 UTC  

Maybe there's a different company you can rely on, or a skill worth learning to increase pay

2019-07-29 15:35:25 UTC  

My brothers defend Israel!

2019-07-29 15:35:27 UTC  


2019-07-29 15:35:39 UTC  

this is just how hospitals make their shitloads of money here

2019-07-29 15:35:49 UTC  

Could nationalise healthcare and remove cost of entry

2019-07-29 15:35:49 UTC  

if you NEED assistance, now, and your life depends on it

2019-07-29 15:35:59 UTC  

they charge tens of times more for the same service.

2019-07-29 15:36:11 UTC  

its racket

2019-07-29 15:36:23 UTC  

Yes, nationalize healthcare, so we're as empty as Canada's hospitals

2019-07-29 15:37:11 UTC  

It's not like we have 35 million people who pay a net of 10k less into taxes and healthcare, than any other group