Message from @Muten
Discord ID: 609056182203580427
unzipped it's probably 8-10 GB
Not here
Sure, I'll DM it to you
>linking an NSFW site
@Muten bruv, that might be breaking the rules here bucko
okay bitchboy
okay furfag
He's gone
@Muten okay horsefucker
One pony down
Another to go
>still has a xenos tag
Just wait
Justice is slow.
I would love if it was just 7gb of zip files in zip files
@Muten okay horsefucker
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck okay furfag
And thats all it was
Tick, tock.
@Weez I'm 99% sure you typed that wrong
okay nvm
Nah nah nah
See that
Was about to ping you cuckmod
the mods are just asleep
we;re not asleep
Just lurkers
You gotta mouse in your pocket, faggot