Message from @Weez
Discord ID: 609056848410050591
we;re not asleep
Just lurkers
You gotta mouse in your pocket, faggot
>imagine linking the gay section of pornhub, only to realize it doesn't link to that page, so you have to copy the link from your browser
Requesting banning everyone on the server
Just yeet everyone
That's mighty cringe and gay, bucko
Then yeet yourselves once done
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Do you know how jewrl's work
My eyes are cursed everytime I end up on straight pornhub
i volunteer to be yeeted as long as it damages the commies
>imagine going on pornhub instead of xvideos
I like HD content
and I thought you autists were men of culture
mfw i still use forums.
huh, i havent used xvideos
It's all shitty 2004 cam content
pornhub is just so easy
it's meh.
so is ur mom
Not using the chans to find your porn
there's some quality 2012 hentai you tard
2 ez
git gud
If you want hentai go to hentai sites silly
i mean they even got a section where they highlight good videos
@Weez like HentaiPulse?