Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 610207991425400832

2019-08-11 20:26:06 UTC  

If youre reffering to state capitalism/democratic socialism

2019-08-11 20:26:08 UTC  

Thats what lenin said

2019-08-11 20:26:10 UTC  

someone MUST be in charge under ANY system

2019-08-11 20:26:25 UTC  

and those in charge are ALWAYS going to be tempted by corruption

2019-08-11 20:26:38 UTC  

what about it

2019-08-11 20:26:47 UTC  

thus thos in the soviet party CONTOLLED the state property

2019-08-11 20:26:49 UTC

2019-08-11 20:27:07 UTC  

in the same way that a capitalist OWNS the property

2019-08-11 20:27:08 UTC  

Thats why marx viewed production capitalism differently later in kife

2019-08-11 20:27:13 UTC  


2019-08-11 20:27:18 UTC  

Lick my nips

2019-08-11 20:27:19 UTC

2019-08-11 20:27:36 UTC  

that is the opposite of the argument Marx made

2019-08-11 20:27:41 UTC

2019-08-11 20:27:44 UTC  

@BabaBooey you've been told to stop with the incesent memes in this channel by Jack

2019-08-11 20:27:45 UTC  

Yes i fucking get that

2019-08-11 20:27:46 UTC  

Thats because they have a state

2019-08-11 20:27:47 UTC  

The state is the de facto property owner

2019-08-11 20:28:10 UTC  

contolling propery = ownership; Marx didn't beleive this to be true

2019-08-11 20:28:11 UTC  

Socialism is supposed to be the transatory state into communism

2019-08-11 20:28:42 UTC  

communism is what the soviet union WAS

2019-08-11 20:28:48 UTC  

and it wasn't ideal even by their own admission

2019-08-11 20:29:05 UTC  

socialism is an ideoplogy

2019-08-11 20:29:09 UTC  

Why do you guys even talk about this?

2019-08-11 20:29:11 UTC  

it's not the same because the incentives of capitalists and the proletarian vanguard are different and the structure of lower levels of management are different

2019-08-11 20:29:11 UTC  

Soviet union was socialist

2019-08-11 20:29:12 UTC  

communism is a form of governance

2019-08-11 20:29:12 UTC  

It's the same, every day.

2019-08-11 20:29:13 UTC  

And argued by lenin, state capitalism

2019-08-11 20:29:15 UTC  

You all look retarded.

2019-08-11 20:29:24 UTC  

Communism is abscence of governance

2019-08-11 20:29:26 UTC

2019-08-11 20:29:28 UTC  

lenin used state capitalism in reference to the nep which was abolished in the late 20's

2019-08-11 20:29:29 UTC  


2019-08-11 20:29:30 UTC  

Communism is anarchism

2019-08-11 20:29:39 UTC  

the nep was more like what china has now

2019-08-11 20:29:39 UTC  


2019-08-11 20:29:43 UTC

2019-08-11 20:29:44 UTC  

Communism is not anarchism.

2019-08-11 20:29:49 UTC  


2019-08-11 20:29:53 UTC  

It is