Message from @MadDimension
Discord ID: 324697887877627916
Don't nogs all live there?
Jesus Christ
Norfolk and Hampton Roads
Look at those names, see the subsaharans are getting urbanized lmao
They literally look like a different species
Do the numbers really count if the guys are already in vanguard lol
I can't find the article about the somalis throwing chicken bones on the beach then claiming racism when they got a citation, then getting arrested for assaulting the police.
What do you guys think of that PB idea?
A lot of primates in that picture, everything cool niggers manage to fuck up
Pretty much. I used to spend a good amount of time down there as a kid, wasn't like that at all.
Yeah I used to go down to Bethany sometimes or rehomo before I realized it was truly phaggot infested
Idk, I think the mo's are less dangerous than the nogs.
No good choices.
So where is the best beach around here?
I would say Bethany is the best
But I could be wrong, the last time I was there about 7 years ago it was nice
@@Boru far north oc is still cool. More expensive, keeps the trouble out.
Lol that guy's face in the background is priceless
You guys are welcome to come to Charlottesville this weekend for the Proud Boys event. We're going to be triggering Antifa to protest and force the Alt-Light's hand. Just wear your MAGA hats and blend in as Proud Boys. It'll be fun.¬if_id=1497476408923341
👌🏻 I wish I could make it
I love larping as a normal Trump bro. Not even kidding. It allows me to kind of feel normal, rather than a revolutionary. Of course I never deny being a white nationalist.
There is something nice about acting like a regular joe jackoff
It's tough to pretend tbh
Just pretend you're an actor. Sounds fun!
You tryina go down there this weekend?
Sure! It'd be great.
If I get off early Saturday I'm down
That sounds like we have at least 5 then
@AltRightVa Is your brother up for it?
@ManWithTheHand are you up for going down to cville to troll antifa?
He can't go
aw damn
Well he told me earlier he wasn't going
Yeah so that's 5 by my count
you, me, teddy, boru and heimdulf
Aye yal sorry I been busy today. But yeah I'm down.
Aye and how come all you guys are blue and im the only dick hole who's orange?
That's Vanguard's color. Orange is BB
@80D cause we are OG Beltway Bigots