Message from @Goldstein Riots
Discord ID: 326393080875974657
Beltway Bigots will be there
@Stanislav Đajić I'm one of the speakers
IE guys will be there too.
Damn it I didn't know how the cops dragged off @卐 Heimdulf - VA 卐 last night just for putting his dukes up.
That black cop in charge had it out for us all night and wouldn't shake Brian's hand after he was falsely accused of spitting on that dumbass
Yea all all of a sudden I was being grabbed and rushed off. I thought i was getting arrested but a white cop grabbed me and was shoving me and telling me to get the fuck out of there despite my saying I was just trying to defend myself and my friends (against a violent 300lb gorilla)
He said if I didn't leave I'd be arrested on the spot and I thought for certain the pack of black thugs were going to try and follow the me in the dark since I had nowhere to go (but had to get off the mall.)
It must be nice to be told "Leave or you will be arrested" first
Talk about "White Privilege!"
It was such nigger bullshit
Here's the article by the reporter who was stalking us last night.
My fag neighbors that called the cops on us last night put up one of these signs today. It didn't last through the night 😂
Looks to me they are glad you are their neighbor
My neighbor put up a similar sign when I was doxed! It says "hate has no home here" in several different languages
they have those signs all over my city too
some may have been run over a few times
This one is the worst :/ they're all over Charlottesville now.
Fixed it.
Note that Jews are implied to be accepted
Fucking kikes
@MadDimension I see those signs outside of Quaker houses all over NJ
People don't really talk about this much but Quaker houses have been used as sancuaries for radical lefitsts for decades now
Really? Hmm
When can we start defending against leftist safe havens
Such as Quaker homes, these commie bookstores, "community exchanges", etc...
These places literally claim to be a business, don't provide any good or services, but no one bats an eye when millions of dollars are pumped through them
Yep. Quaker houses are also tax exempt iirc <@&322241134355283969> btw this is DC antifa headquarters in case you were wondering.
Good pranking material
@MadDimension wow great victory, congratulations!
Dude fuck yeah
Make the kikes pay you lmao
True goyish behavior
The mayor of Charlottesville
That is fucking hilarious
Haha that's awesome!