Message from @TEABAG!!!

Discord ID: 603842537958146058

2019-07-25 06:06:10 UTC  

There is only one way for them to evolve and that's through mixing the gene pool or getting rid of the defects - so they did just that and had a bloke called slobadan milosovich do , the deed.

2019-07-25 06:07:12 UTC  

@ETBrooD I know it's not what you're interested in hearing - but, it's what is objective and I am being scientific.

2019-07-25 06:09:27 UTC  

I don't get it, if you like talking past me then why are you addressing me?

2019-07-25 06:10:14 UTC  

You can present your argument about a different subject matter, but that's just you then. Maybe people will respond to your ideas, but it's a different matter.

2019-07-25 06:10:28 UTC  

The way they wanted to do it was overt discriminating against the bad gene pool which created the mass genocide. Then, Europe's answer to that is by giving them the pick of some other bad gene pool. They are bound to be pissed off with, Europe.

2019-07-25 06:12:15 UTC  

@ETBrooD I am now addressing you because you don't seem to get what the revolution is and evolution is to do with genes. Revolution is the technological advancements. I am talking about evolution. Its science.

2019-07-25 06:15:21 UTC  

You can't get to the revolution without the evolution and the gene pool, being exposed to different things. Unless you're talking about a company . A company is able to adapt at a different speed and has different variables, in which it has to adjust then if it doesn't do that it liquidates. That's a totally different thing to the way people are about their territory.

2019-07-25 06:16:46 UTC  

It happens to every country or set of cultures where they need to stop the genetic defects because they won't evolve.

2019-07-25 06:16:52 UTC  

I'm not interested in revolution

2019-07-25 06:17:30 UTC  

I'm interested in the question if racial discrimination is 1) natural, and 2) evolutionarily beneficial.

2019-07-25 06:18:24 UTC  

It's not that I don't care about follow-up questions, it's that if you want to delve into that, it'd be an entirely separate discussion

2019-07-25 06:18:43 UTC  

You can start such a discussion, but then please don't address me, because it doesn't concern me

2019-07-25 06:19:42 UTC  

Basically you do you, I don't wanna stop you

2019-07-25 06:31:38 UTC  

I just gave it to you but you aren't being pragmatic. 1) the natural selection process ain't natural in the intermarriage category of Pakistans way of putting it. Which causes discrimination. 2) the only way to be an evolutionary benefit is to have high IQ'S and less genetic disorders, mutations, or defects because it takes too long to improve and change.

Call us back when North Korea is more open and then we will discuss the fact that they probably need to prevent their own, death of their population because they can't cope.

2019-07-25 06:48:07 UTC  

I have a really hard time processing your argument, what you're saying doesn't seems to make sense.
You're saying natural selection pertaining to Pakistani intermarriage is not natural -> But if it's not natural, then it can't be natural selection, or can it?
You're saying this process (Pakistani intermarriage) *causes* discrimination -> I have absolutely no idea how that would work. I can't wrap my head around this argument. You should put in a logical progression of steps leading to your conclusion.
You're saying evolutionary benefits require 1) high IQ's, 2) less genetic disorders, mutations or defects -> 1) is categorically false, 2) is correct but I don't see the connection to my argument

2019-07-25 06:50:30 UTC  

@ETBrooD it's called Ghag and you really need to read about it to understand. You're not wanted , you won't be allowed to be apart of that group.

2019-07-25 06:51:23 UTC  

I think you're completely off the grid when it comes to my question and you don't seem to recognize this.

2019-07-25 06:51:43 UTC  

The cases of extreme consanguinity are the only populations which benefit from the “”intermixing their gene pools”” you’re putting a huge emphasis on, and those populations don’t represent most racial or even ethnic boundaries

2019-07-25 06:53:16 UTC  

Like if the world never globalized, small populations like even the separate ethnic groups of (white) UK, living on a tiny rock, would’ve been fine indefinitely

2019-07-25 06:54:39 UTC  


Family practices: Marriages among families or tribes (addo baddo) are still common in Pakistan. 34% of married 16-17 year old girls are married to a first cousin on their father’s side.

Religion: Some Pakistani Muslims believe their religion requires them to marry off their daughters once they reach puberty. This also relates to a desire to protect a girl’s izzat (honour), and the high premium attached to the chastity of young unmarried girls.

Level of education: Dropping out of school early is both a cause and consequence of child marriage. A 2017 study shows that each year of additional secondary education reduces the risk of child marriage by 3.4% in Pakistan.

2019-07-25 06:55:05 UTC  

I still don't know how this answers my question

2019-07-25 06:55:43 UTC  

Is your argument that racial discrimination causes interbreeding?

2019-07-25 06:55:59 UTC  

Its a form of discrimination because they think you're the outsider. But their intelligence is so low.... They would retort to violence.

2019-07-25 06:58:06 UTC  

@ETBrooD No I am saying - people are allowed to be territorial. We are humanly like that. But, certain cultures are extreme and their extreme behaviour causes pockets of the UK to have more of them than there are white people, because they decided to marry their cousins from Pakistan. Which in turn has created the racial tensions.

2019-07-25 06:59:10 UTC  

I just like to show people proof because it's still an ongoing problem for their gene pool means they can't evolve.

2019-07-25 06:59:44 UTC  

So I'm right then, your argument doesn't concern me

2019-07-25 07:00:00 UTC  

Stop wasting my time please, don't address me if it doesn't concern me

2019-07-25 07:03:22 UTC  

I don't like talking to Americans when it comes to the reasons why , the Pakistani people or the communist countries are underdeveloped. Because you get all triggered and take things subjectively . You can't do that if you're present facts.

2019-07-25 07:05:49 UTC  

I'm European and not everyone cares about the things that you care about

2019-07-25 07:06:19 UTC  

I appreciate your efforts, don't get me wrong. But you need to understand that people have their things to worry about, just as you have yours

2019-07-25 07:12:57 UTC  

Even as a European, you know communism - affected the development of certain countries, right? So, stop getting all emotional about it and start understanding that - you're genetic disposition is; one that's forced. Its only natural when there's no other influences .

2019-07-25 07:15:16 UTC  

They say so themselves and admit, it's creating discrimination:

```Second, we argue that many well-intentioned programmes aimed at giving special preferences to migrants and refugees ignore the needs of local communities, thereby exacerbating rather than facilitating inclusion.```

2019-07-25 13:24:56 UTC  

@TEABAG!!! tell them to repeal article 13/17 if they are replacing european union with new members

2019-07-25 17:29:09 UTC  

That's one shift that still gives me a migraine- why the hell did immigration (retitled in newspeak migration to make it sound more "natural") become about inclusion rather than integration?

2019-07-25 17:52:11 UTC  

Becaue “Diversity is our strength, you dirty fascist. You just hate brown people“

2019-07-25 17:53:11 UTC  

Also an emasculated native population that will let anything happen to them for goodboy points

2019-07-25 19:47:34 UTC  

the europe and america is moving into dangerous nazi territory

2019-07-25 19:47:50 UTC  

becoming more and more fascist by the day