☩ ✠ Valka ✠ ☩

Discord ID: 427165166971518976

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yo someones got a valid crush

what the fuck is that

did you just put whipped cream or something on fucking salsa?

salsa is not even that strong @ClassicalPositioning


tell me the scoville amount

where is the meat?

is that cheddar?

what pepper?

you can at least say what pepper it is, that salsa.


that isn't strong really, doesn't require creme fraiche to be honest. I can estimate you're about 1000% caucasian

I ate a fuck ton of tortilla wraps once, each one filled with tons of spicy salsa and lots of jalapenos. I'm caucasian so I don't know whats up man

Stronger spices do get extreme in some cases, but Indians and Mexicans know exactly how to mix that shit up. I know you might think what you posted is art, not really dude. Not with all that cream on top


I identify as who cares

bitch got the melons, hit it from the back like a felon, don't know if she underage, but she aint telling

@Margrave PeaveGiver 'The Calm' literally bro, watch chernobyl and play rust my negro boy

I'm a fascist and I don't like ben, ask me why <:sarGOY:462286263622303754>

Literally stop talking about ben

<:sarGOY:462286263622303754> <:GetDownOnTheBarn:590619824640753697>

@Margrave PeaveGiver 'The Calm' so you don't go into a rad zone with a geiger counter?


I'm asking you, would you go into a rad zone without a geiger counter?

I didn't make that video

"antifa is not a group"

"Antifa punches up, Fascists punch down you know what i'm saying"

"yo, watch philosophytube bruh, anarcho communism works bruh"

i'll prove i'm not a centrist

"fascism is inherently evil" headass

philosophytube fanboy

philosophytube fanboy

philosophytube fanboy

philosophytube fanboy

philosophytube fanboy

philosophytube fanboy

@Danacrag thanks for the chat vlog, you're spoiled

ankle socks need to be banned

fanny bags too

and cuffed pants with ankle socks, fuck you.

nigga I wear big thermal socks, unstoppable

why even take public transport lmao

public transport is for pensioners and poor ass bitches

manspreading < women being taken off the street to be forcefully married and forced to wear hijab in the middle east

pronouns < homosexuals being thrown off a roof

I'm the local anarcho-communist, brought to you by the anecdotal daddy man philosophy tube

Philosophytube is my father figure


nuke ching chong land and durka durka land = global warming solved

Don't believe in global warming

just want to get rid of chinks

vote child grooming

Has ANTIFA ever achieved anything?

I know that nearly all the superpowers won’t use nuclear bombs because they know the effects of dropping one of those motherfuckers because they have had national experience with that shit, even if it’s not bombs. It’s radiation. I believe that bioterrorism will be used tho, though I doubt jihadists will put scientists to work. Dunno

Look at this absolute retard "DR zakir naik" defend inbreeding. I'm having quite the laugh.

Dr Zakir naik is literally a product of inbreeding

All right, marriage is alright. Producing kids

Should be illegal

You will ruin your child permanently, it's too high a risk.

I hope a pathogen will be unleashed on the inbred goatfuckers soon

imma 🍴 your 👩 🐟

correction: fascist lover

no one is a "nazi lover" nazi is derogatory, I am for example "A fan of greater germania"

unleash pathogens on mooslems

animated child pornography is good

might just be more cucktifa on this server than actual cucktifa servers

shut the fuck up darkie

Q: Name the most inbred places on earth A: Muslim majority countries

Q: Do true muslims integrate? A: No

Why discuss about christianity?

name the places where inbreeding happens most


I am unaware of inbreedings outside royalty in europe, historically.

present day = Muslim majority countries (has been a incestuous place for very long) enough time to alter intelligence and cause health problems.

the majority of muslims are not acknowledging the issue, Imams, televangelists are openly endorsing it.

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