Message from @TEABAG!!!

Discord ID: 599507796614053899

2019-07-13 06:28:34 UTC

2019-07-13 06:28:47 UTC  

Petition to have this as a new emoji

2019-07-13 06:29:02 UTC  

Sign with the check mark

2019-07-13 07:07:37 UTC  

Too big

2019-07-13 07:13:40 UTC  

Alright, big think time, why is it that people desire simultaneous unfettered immigration and socialized systems?

2019-07-13 07:17:28 UTC  

egalitarian universalism

2019-07-13 07:23:40 UTC  

@Wardaddy Winston They want to be nice to everyone.

2019-07-13 07:23:57 UTC  

They do that by giving away everything for free, including their country, which was not obtained for free.

2019-07-13 07:24:35 UTC  

They can't afford to give everything away for free, especially if we enshrine giving things away for free as a human right.

2019-07-13 07:25:05 UTC  

Then we'll have the entire world wanting to parasitize off of us instead of building their own countries and their own houses.

2019-07-13 07:26:04 UTC  

But to people who have never had to build a house, or never had to pay taxes, they think that all the good things we have are free.

2019-07-13 07:28:20 UTC  

More so the certain group of mean jealous commies have it in their heads that because some people did some bad things a couple centuries ago, and their actions directly led to the greatest nation on Earth, that all the good things we have are not deserved and we SHOULD give it all to them and the other poor people who never deserved anything....

2019-07-13 07:30:48 UTC  

And that giving things to these poor people excuses and covers up all the bad things someone else's ancestors may have done.

2019-07-13 07:32:35 UTC  

And the people who genuinely want to be nice to everyone are compelled by these commies to give away everything their ancestors fought for and built up through unique ingenuity and skill.

2019-07-13 07:33:14 UTC  

If those poor people had the ingenuity and skill that we graciously presume of every American, they wouldn't need our help.

2019-07-13 07:41:43 UTC  

@JoeyJoestar1337 wait for it... The British press strike at men again 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😳 Seriously, the sexist behaviour is disgraceful.

2019-07-13 07:42:34 UTC  

Oooo lawd

2019-07-13 07:42:34 UTC  

1. What's wrong with having a mature man run the country?

2019-07-13 07:43:18 UTC  

2. I know it's her opinion, but, this should stay in her beak, don't you think?

2019-07-13 07:47:25 UTC  

"Which one is our most likely next prime minister? I’m afraid Boris Johnson is the worst kind: he’s a weak man who thinks he’s a strong man. See also selective antiracist Jeremy Corbyn, whose unshakeable conviction that he hasn’t been wrong in several decades has left him stubbornly incapable of being the bigger person. See also gratefully submissive Donald Trump fanboy Nigel Farage, who has spent much of the past three years hanging wanly around Washington on the off-chance of a half-hour 6pm burger with the alpha male to his beta." Okay Marina Hyde. Go back to being in your old public school uniform, where it was perhaps an all girl's school. Where you perhaps , went through the veggie contest like me. I gave in after, my dad, grilled bacon.

2019-07-13 07:49:57 UTC  

3.How does her criticism of manhood make her important? Why is this not a man's opinion, so, men are more aware of themselves?

2019-07-13 07:56:44 UTC  

Because a man wouldn't say - only old people would vote for Boris. That's not true. He has a young fan club, it's just they've had to be ultra careful about announcing it. Due to the Corbyn bullying and the milkshake's flying around. If she hadn't noticed?

2019-07-13 07:59:59 UTC  

And since when has a woman, got the right to call a man a "pussy"? That's something you do when your 12. This is embarrassing for me as a woman to read the undertones of sexism, bullying , and double standards. Don't you think feminista opinions should be just a thing of the past?

2019-07-13 08:04:54 UTC  

Gone are the days when you could compliment a man on his admirable ventures. Gone are the day's when you could show a modicum of respect without using the term "pussy"...

I swear to goodness, I hate Rupert Murdoch because I have to pay for the Time's , which is far superior reading compared to this feminists bullshit opinion.

2019-07-13 08:46:27 UTC  

@Jake the Exile Well said.

2019-07-13 09:31:35 UTC  

@Jake the Exile Yeah, that was a lot more in depth than me trying to ram the square peg of "Socialism barely works in countries with relatively static populations" into the round hole of "unfettered immigration places a hefty burden on basic welfare systems as it is".

Well said, indeed.

2019-07-13 09:41:04 UTC  

Personally, I think mixed market solutions work and, using medicine as an exanple, we've got a few real world examples of this working where you have what is essentially a baseline health insurance option provided by the government that private insurance and healthcare provision groups (like co-ops that build a massive HSA up) now have to compete with. However, I get "REEE"d at from one side because it still involves money and markets, but from the other side because there's any state intervention at all.

As for immigration, still fine, but control the shit out of it. We need to know who is and why they're coming into the country and there needs to be enforcement of both the law as well as the process for immigrating be it by a wall or just robust law enforcement this side of the border. As an American, I think our best option is to continue our current plan of working with the Mexican government, which has already started to show some results, but there needs to be a little more effort focusing on some of the 'secret police' esque behavior from ICE and trying to sort out what the situation _actually_ is when it comes to us losing children in our custody.

Then you get these shit heads coming in wanting only the most extreme solution of both and it's... infuriating is probably the best word.

2019-07-13 13:36:02 UTC  

@Jake the Exile I think they're rolling in their graves , wondering why on earth the clever gene was only passed to a certain generation of people.

2019-07-13 15:23:43 UTC  

>Beta Males
>Bragging about Latin

2019-07-13 15:24:08 UTC  

I'll have you know that Latin is the most CHAD language to learn

2019-07-13 18:50:35 UTC  

Also, Italians are midgets even to this day ... not very Chad-like

2019-07-13 18:51:11 UTC  

That's gay.

2019-07-13 19:52:08 UTC  


It is the flow of every language in the European countries. It makes, Spainish, Italian, French and Romanian (I think they use the same conjugation of verb in the same manner). And it is the doctors and most pharmaceutical industry - meaning, alchemist brotherhood - so, yah these feminista bitches - are dumbing the NATION RIGHT DOWN.

2019-07-13 19:54:50 UTC  

```Ergo``` (see the Latin there <:Veemote:501103628883591188> ) we females need to go ```via``` another, direction. As they sound like the People's front of Judia:

"Whate the Roman's ever done for us? "

If you don't understand, watch life of Brian.

2019-07-13 20:02:44 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche I don't do Chad ... So, they have to go! <:sarGOY:462286263622303754>

2019-07-13 20:14:24 UTC  

@TEABAG!!! I think of that scene every time spoiled Western culture-hating morons go off on how terrible we are. 😂

"So apart from freedom, liberties, rights, modern medicine, science, technology, infrastructure, philosophy, and quality of life, what has Western culture ever done for us in return?!"

2019-07-13 20:14:55 UTC  

(read in John Cleese's voice)

2019-07-13 20:15:27 UTC  

"Brought piggies"

2019-07-13 20:15:36 UTC  

@TheCinemaShow It was an instantaneous voice connection, and I felt bad cos I type casted him.

2019-07-13 20:28:34 UTC  

oh yeah by the way the EU if they want oss to work togheter then they better tell these middle easterns to do the same thing we are gona do our part agian if they do theirs same oges for affrica im so sick and tired that we get so much shit upon when we at aleast have invent a shit ton of tech to help out humanity and in return what do we get hidden plots to wipe out the white race and under our skin cause of tremendus amouts of jelousy we, if it wasnt for oss we prob would have had WW3 already now. they dont seem to understand that most ppl's IQ is dropping and that is relly dnagures for most of the inudstries and workplaces it recuires very talented and very skilled ppl to be able to produce most advanced products out there now, until we get robbots to produce them for oss wich is most likely many years away still... so thats why this EU crap is just BULLSHIT it can just go and burn, forcing oss to do our part while the rest of the world is laughing at oss how we whites are going extinct.