Message from @Goodwood of Dank™
Discord ID: 609075550711054371
Good question. My guess is that they don't want them waxed, and **expect** to get refused. They hope to be refused because A) they don't like balls waxed, and B) because he's going to get **FILTHY RICH** by suing the businesses for discrimination.
I just hope that once in his lifetime, one woman checked his bluff and said "OK, I'll wax your ball". And he'd be screaming in agony...
Make the waxing as painful as possible. Make it sloooooow.
does Yanvi examplify the extreme that most having been talking about on the right?
at some point does it almost seem like Yaniv is a plant
but this bitch seems to deep in the ideology of 'nothing i his fault' the world is out to get him everyone needs to change instead of him needing to change
i get some ppl like to find conspiracies and false flags everywhere but maybe this person is just a weak, shitty person that is trying to fuck over other people b.c they are filled with resentment for never amounting to much
I don't know if Yaniv is a plant but he's definitely a troll / ambulance chaser / grifter. I doubt politics are important to him. He just likes to play the role of Al Sharpton for trans-women.
(And if you don't know of Sharpton, he doesn't really care about the black communities either. He just wants money out of race-baiting and extortion. Yaniv feels like that but to trannies. Kinda like "bake the cake" stuff for gays.)
yes al 'race baiting' sharpton is a pill of shit
and i dont doubt that yaniv also just wants money out of this
but if you think B.C is going to change you be wrong. B.c is the canadian version of California.
British Columbia, State of Washingon and Oregon are all the same cancer.
And California too. They are all interlinked, funnily enough.
The entire west coast from Canada to Mexico border is made of cancer.
Alaska is based, conservative and with UBI.
Alaska is Yang Country.
yea BC will break away to join communist china within the next 20 years probably
@whiic we need to nuke Cascadia tbh
(Cascadia being the entirety of the American West-Coast, along with British Columbia)
To be fair, there really should not be any kind of "endgame" to an economic system. There will always be new challenges for it to overcome, and humans are always evolving.
checkmake creationists
The only endgame non-free enterprise systems give you is death
Free enterprise is about prosperity
Prosperity and creeping corporate lobbying
Degrading our democracy
nothing lasts tbh
might as well enjoy it
Historical fact of the day:
The Spanish Inquisition, an institution that lasted from the 15th century to the 19th century, was pretty much the opposite of what modern clichés about it imply. The Inquisition lead to the execution of ~4000 people over that span of its lifetime (of which about 9 were actually burned alive), hardly a bloodbath, and that is especially remarkable considering that, in surrounding Christian Kingdoms, massacres of Protestants by Catholics (and vice versa) reaped a *far* heavier death toll. In Spain the supremacy of the Catholic faith, guarded by the Inquisition, meant that no such things occurred. The most common sentence for heresy proclaimed by the Inquisition, to an overwhelming degree, was reconciliation with the Church on the condition of compulsory participation in more religious rituals then usual for a period of time.
In terms of procedure used, the Inquisition was consistently more diligent and "humane" then lay courts. The inquisition only practiced limited torture and did not consider confession under torture to be valid. A confession given under torture had to be confirmed by the accused later or would be considered null and void. The prisoners were also kept in better conditions then those held by lay justice and the record keeping and general bureaucracy was much more organized and through.
Finally it is important to point out that the relative bloodiness of the Spanish Inquisition is due to the fact that the Inquisition itself, or the Church, did not actually perform any violence. The Inquisition was an investigatory and judicial body while the appropriate lay sovereign was responsible for the choice and administration of any non-ecclesiastical penalties. Meaning that whereas a Catholic Inquisition functioned in many a Catholic Kingdom, the actual severity of punishment was in the purview of the local monarchy/municipality and thus varied from potential death to literally nothing.
ye, dis bewk basically totally shifted the scholarly consensus on the Inquisition. The author was a History professor and vocal critic of the Catholic Church in modern (as in 1400s to 1700s) Spain. In the 60s (I think) he was allowed for the 1st time basically ever to go through Vatican's archives of the Saint Office (the Inquisition) and ended up concluding that the alleged horrors of the Inquisition were literally a myth.
well, that's certainly unexpected
i think i need a shower now
Cool shit
He did a fairly good post on why this is happening and how the 2ACW will play out. It wont be like what we think like Feds/communist,fascists,ethnonationalists but rather multiple cells that carry out terrorism in order to overthrow the old order in order to have a voice in the political process. I honestly cant blame them. Many would feel the same that the system has broken down and now the only way is violence. It wont be like what we think of National Guards fighting outright against *clear cut* enemies as they will appear as normal people who take subversive methods to get what they want. Corporatist capitalism and the increasing ownership of corporations rather than actual citizens guiding America will only fuel this as goes on i.e. corporations pushing for open borders more or less to increase profits via mass immigration for cheap labor which depresses wages, which gives them a cycle of buying off politicians who vote the way they want instead of respecting the implicit rules of the federal system of America, rise of authorianism via censorship, deplatforming, disarmament, and economic warfare via banks banning people outright denying them the basics we rely on to survive in the modern world causes many to view this as bleak future which many do not want. In some ways the Business Plot of the 30s succeeded. Not by Ford, but by the multinational companies who have no allegiance to any country and only towards the profits they have. These elements fuel the rising resentment of the Federal government and society at large which will become the 2ACW via 4GW
@SnowPirate67 He sounds like Tim Pool with his redefinition of "war".