
Discord ID: 227153692405661698

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2019-07-14 01:49:02 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

Who summons me

2019-07-14 02:13:34 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

im a slowpoke, just now got to D&D crusaders tropico edition

isn't it like super late in UK

sargon go to bed

stop blowing up my phone with telegram

does d&d crusaders end at 39?

how is a flat tax not a good thing

I don't think people seem to realize

we in the US will never live in a world where we don't have the right to bear arms

will literally die before that happens

and again, I don't want that. Just sayin'

I'd rather just be left alone

One thing that bugs me, when tankies like to say "How can you possibly hope to stand against the strongest military on the planet? What good will rifles do against tanks and jets?"

Couple things are retarded about that 1) See vietnam and afghanistan, and even in those cases we are assuming what you are saying will happen

and, exactly, 2) this isn't a video game. If the shit hits the fan, the U.S. military isn't going to all follow the government against the people. This literally happened before, Robert E. Lee was one of the highest ranking generals in the military and left because he wouldn't fight against virginia

They are assuming something in their question that is a near impossibility

Well, I view it like this

if the govt is willing to nuke us

We're already dead, may as well die standing

Hope so

they can stay away

there's a saying here in texas

it sucks here, don't move here, go away

yes exactly

depends what you mean by mexicans

my neighbor latinos that have a huge ass american flag and are as american as I am? cool

these assholes migrating for gibs and free votes? bad

yeah man, it's getting bad

people are really *really* getting anxious about what to do with these illegals

they are in plain sight and the government does nothing

people are going to start handling it themselves and it won't be pretty

there was a store here, it decided to go cash only. So that means you can't use any government assistance programs there

the local government made them go back on that because so many illegals couldn't get food

people are pissed

not a good situation

if only that's how it worked

ICE shows up, and suddenly the illegals got a friendly call from the local big business HR team

because guess who benefits from illegal labor?

that's a bingo

2019 slavers everyone, the democratic-corporatist symbiosis

yeah it's not that the law doesn't exist

it's that obongo appointed judges and officials won't do their damn job

too lenient

illegal labor?

siezure of assets

illegally cross border? bullet

not a huge fan of social programs

build nuclear reactors pls

double them as desalienation plants

climate crisis averted


i probably sound like a hipster or whatever, but I try my best not to buy pre-made things

if it's a base ingredient like flour or eggs, fine

but I don't buy ice cream, if I want it I make it

i do eat a lot of chicken

i don't think wings count as tendies tho

i wish they did

Man, I cannot get my mom to stop buying from brands that are cancer

she keeps buying P&G shit

I like how you think ๐Ÿค”

I once made ice cream from avocados

replace eggs with it

it's pretty good

the custard

not all recipes use it

lots of ways to skin a cat

you can skin a cat

you just can't skin someone else's cat

dont be cruel about it obviously

@Valrysha I think he means use the bones

on the subject of reparations

I'd be okay if we agreed as a country to a lump sum, even though I think this is all bollocks

but the thing is

we pay that, and you're done

you have to go

you can't get anything else from us

reparations were paid in full with blood in 1865

savages, savages, barely even human

I think the gays have a wonderful message: "keep the colors separate"

why manual labor when you can just execute

no cruelty, just death

that's cruel

and we're better

brb eating chicken

show me a inner city youth with the patience to cure and smoke a chicken and i'll happily wear that label <:sargonfingerguns:568463117856669696>

did this turn into an EE course?

2019-08-08 17:32:48 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

who do they habitually speak in weasel words? "get involved" "change". So arbitrary that if I wanted to I could take that to mean "Find a job at your local deli because you hate debit cards"

checkmake creationists

2020-01-30 16:55:09 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

They have their heads in the sand

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